Zhenpen Chökyi Nangwa

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Gzhan phan chos kyi snang ba

Khenpo Zhenga.jpg
PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
MainNamePhon Zhenpen Chökyi Nangwa
MainNameTib གཞན་ཕན་ཆོས་ཀྱི་སྣང་བ་
MainNameWylie gzhan phan chos kyi snang ba
AltNamesTib མཁན་པོ་གཞན་དགའ་  ·  རྒྱ་ཀོང་མཁན་ཆེན་གཞན་ཕན་ཆོས་ཀྱི་སྣང་བ་  ·  གཞན་ཕན་བྱམས་པའི་གོ་ཆ་  ·  མཁས་མཆོག་གཞན་ཕན་སྣང་བ་  ·  རྫོགས་ཆེན་མཁན་རབས་༡༩་  ·  རྫོང་སར་མཁན་རབས་༠༡་
AltNamesWylie mkhan po gzhan dga'  ·  rgya kong mkhan chen gzhan phan chos kyi snang ba  ·  gzhan phan byams pa'i go cha  ·  mkhas mchog gzhan phan snang ba  ·  rdzogs chen mkhan rabs 19  ·  rdzong sar mkhan rabs 01
AltNamesOther Khenpo Zhenga  ·  Khenpo Shenga
YearBirth 1871
YearDeath 1927
BornIn rdza chu (khams)
TibDateGender Female
TibDateElement Iron
TibDateAnimal Sheep
TibDateRabjung 15
TibDateDeathGender Female
TibDateDeathElement Fire
TibDateDeathAnimal Rabbit
TibDateDeathRabjung 16
ReligiousAffiliation Nyingma
ClassicalProfAff shrI sing ha chos grwa;
ClassicalOtherProfAff rdzong sar khams bye grwa tshang;
EmanationOf rgyal sras gzhan phan mtha' yas
BDRC https://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=P699
Treasury of Lives https://treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Zhenpen-Chokyi-Nangwa/9622
IsInGyatsa No
BnwShortPersonBio Zhenpen Chokyi Nangwa, a disciple of Orgyen Tendzin Norbu, was the nineteenth abbot of Dzogchen's Śrī Siṃha college, the founder and first abbot of Dzongsar's Khamshe monastic college, and the teacher of countless Nyingma, Sakya and Kagyu lamas. He and his disciples was said to have established nearly one hundred study centers, emphasizing the study of thirteen Indian root texts.
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