Sangpuwa Lodrö Tsungme

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Gsang phu ba blo gros mtshungs med

PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
MainNamePhon Sangpuwa Lodrö Tsungme
MainNameTib གསང་ཕུ་བ་བློ་གྲོས་མཚུངས་མེད་
MainNameWylie gsang phu ba blo gros mtshungs med
BiographicalInfo See Kano, K., Buddha-Nature and Emptiness, pp. 320-324 on the various figures known as blo gros mtshungs med. Note that the BDRC person page likely conflates two of these figures, i.e. gsang phu ba and gnyal ba.
YearBirth 14th Century
BornIn dbus
ReligiousAffiliation Kadam
TeacherOf g.yag sde paN chen  ·  rang byung rdo rje
Treasury of Lives
IsInGyatsa No
BnwShortPersonBio A Kadam scholar from Sangpu Neutok Monastery that was known for his expertise in the Five Treatises of Maitreya. He was a senior contemporary of both Dölpopa and Butön and a teacher of the Sakya scholar Yakde Paṇchen and the Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje.
PosBuNayDefProv Definitive
PosBuNayDefProvNotes Wangchuk, Tsering. The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows, p. 31.
PosAllBuddha Yes
  • "He claims that tathāgata-essence exists in all sentient beings in a fully enlightened form. He states that: the dharma-body is dharma-reality indivisible from [buddha] qualities. Since there is no objection to the fact that the dharma-body exists pervasively in all sentient beings, in the manner of one entity; it is unacceptable to present it, [i.e., the existence of the dharma-body in sentient beings] as [merely] imputed." Wangchuk, Tsering. The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows, p. 32.
  • "Blo-gros mtshungs-med asserts that... sentient beings truly possess the dharmakāya, which is the dharmadhātu inseparable from the qualities." Kano, K., Buddha-Nature and Emptiness, p. 329.
PosWheelTurn Third Turning
PosWheelTurnNotes Wangchuk, Tsering. The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows, p. 31.
PosYogaMadhya Madhyamaka
PosVehicles 1
PosVehiclesNotes "Blo-gros-mtshungs-med for his part is more intent on harmonizing the expression in the RGV with other scriptures, and probably was fully conscious of the fact that lack of reverence for śrāvakas contradicted his ekayāna stance." Kano, K., Buddha-Nature and Emptiness, p. 327.
PosEmptyLumin Tathagatagarbha as the Dharmakaya
  • "One of the central doctrinal points of Blo-gros-mtshungs-med’s position is the two modes of Buddha-nature: the gnosis aspect and sphere aspect. Under the former, Buddha-nature is existent in terms of its qualities, while under the latter it is empty in terms of its mode of existence. Kano, K., Buddha-Nature and Emptiness, p. 336.
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"Tathagatagarbha as the Dharmakaya" is not in the list (Tathāgatagarbha as the Emptiness That is a Non-implicative Negation (without enlightened qualities), Tathāgatagarbha as the Emptiness That is an Implicative Negation (with enlightened qualities), Tathāgatagarbha as Mind's Luminous Nature, Tathāgatagarbha as the Unity of Emptiness and Luminosity, Tathāgatagarbha as a Causal Potential or Disposition (gotra), Tathāgatagarbha as the Resultant State of Buddhahood, Tathāgatagarbha as the Latent State of Buddhahood that is Obscured in Sentient Beings, There are several types of Tathāgatagarbha, Tathāgatagarbha was Taught Merely to Encourage Sentient Beings to Enter the Path) of allowed values for the "PosEmptyLumin" property.