Roloff, C.

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Revision as of 12:56, 23 July 2018 by Marcus (talk | contribs)

PersonType Category:Professors
Category:Western Buddhist Teachers
Category:Authors of German Works
Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst Carola
LastName / namelast Roloff
namealt Venerable Bhiksuni Jampa Tsedroen
bio Carola Roloff (born 1959 in Holzminden, West Germany) is a German Buddhist nun. Her monastic name is Bhiksuni Jampa Tsedroen. An active teacher, translator, author, and speaker, she is instrumental in campaigning for equal rights for Buddhist nuns. (Source Accessed July 23, 2018).

Dr. Roloff is Visiting Professor for Buddhism (endowed docentship until 31.03.2025) in the Academy of World Religions of the University of Hamburg. From 1981-1996 she studied Tibetan Buddhist philosophy and practice with Geshe Thubten Ngawang in the Tibetan Centre e.V. and then Tibetology and Classical Indology with a focus on Buddhist Studies in the Asia-Africa-Institute of the University of Hamburg (M.A. 2003, PhD in 2009). Her current focus in research and teaching is "Buddhism and Dialogue in Modern Societies". Other research topics include: Interreligious dialogue, Buddhism between tradition and modernity, Mindfulness and other meditative techniques, Socially engaged Buddhism, and Gender-religion interactions in Buddhism and their significance in social dialogue processes (including in relation to their countries of origin).

(Source Accessed July 23, 2018)

YearBirth 1959
languageprimary German; English
languagetranslation Tibetan; Sanskrit; Pāli
languagetarget German; English
affiliation University of Hamburg
affiliationsecondary Tibetisches Zentrum e.V., Germany
religiousaffiliation Tibetan Buddhism; Geluk
StudentOf Geshe Thubten Ngawang  ·  David P. Jackson  ·  Lambert Schmithausen
phduniversity University of Hamburg
education 2009 - Ph.D., Asia-Africa Institute, University of Hamburg, Dissertation summa cum laude: "Red mda' ba. Buddhist Yogi Scholar of the Fourteenth Century. The Forgotten Reviver of Madhyamaka Philosophy in Tibet."
IsInGyatsa No
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