Duckworth, D.

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Duckworth, D.

Full Name

Douglas Samuel Duckworth

File:Duckworth, Douglas indologica dot de Accessed October 25, 2011.jpg


Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy and Humanities
East Tennessee State University
P.O. Box 70656
Johnson City, TN 37614-1701


Other Information

Douglas Duckworth teaches philosophy at East Tennessee University and has served as a translator for lamas from all the major Tibetan Buddhist traditions. He is the author of Mipam on Buddha-Nature and the translator of Distinguishing the Views and Philosophies: Illuminating Emptiness in a Twentieth-Century Tibetan Buddhist Classic, forthcoming from SUNY Press in 2011. Douglas is married to a Tibetan woman born in Kham with whom he has two small girls, one born in Kathmandu, Nepal and the other born in the US.

Contact information

Duckworth, D. CV
East Tennessee State University
Room 315
Rogers-Stout Hall
Phone: (423) 439-5813


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