Blum, M.

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Full Name

Mark Blum


Associate Professor in the Dept. of East Asian Studies, State University of New York, Albany


Other Information

Mark Blum is Associate Professor in the Dept. of East Asian Studies, State University of New York, Albany. He is author of The Origins and Development of Pure Land Buddhism, and co-editor of the forthcoming I. He is senior editor for the Japan section of the Brill series, Handbook of Oriental Studies, a commissioned research fellow at Otani University, Bukkyo University, and the Jodoshu Research Institute at Zojoji where he is translating the complete works of Honen. He is also translating the 40-fascicle Chinese text of the Mahayana version of the Mahaparinirvana sutra. His research is primarily focused on Japan, and includes the topics of historical consciousness, death and funerary culture, Pure Land Buddhist thought and culture (particularly visual culture), and Buddhist ethics in modern Japan. Source (Accessed April 22, 2012)


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