Bla chen dpyal

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Bla chen dpyal

PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
BiographicalInfo Lachen Jel (bla chen dpyal) was one of the Ten Men of U and Tsang during the later spread of the doctrine in Tibet. His outer activity and inner spiritual accomplishment was unrivaled. He became the head ornament of all scholars. He possessed all inconceivable great superior qualities of Body, Speech and Mind. Even a being dwelling on the bhumis had difficulty communicating with him, needless to say ordinary beings. For the ordinary beings, buddha activity was too difficult to fathom; however he realized it effortlessly.

His first greatness was his heavenly descended caste. He renowned as Jel (dpyal) after descending from heaven, therefore his second greatness was meaning of the name. His third greatness was his noble mother lineage— his mother traveled to Five-Peaks Mountain, and was related to the King of China. The fourth greatness— he was the dharmic minister of the manifested Dharma Kings (chos rgyal gyi chos slun), and the grandchild of the ruler of gods and humans. His fifth greatness was his phenomenal transmission— he received the great, middle and small transmission from the manifested Dharma King. His sixth greatness was that he had the most eminent interdependent causes and conditions—for example, the virtuous royal-brother bestowed him the sacred shrine. His seventh greatness was that he appropriately approached the Secret Mantrayana, the profound tantric doctrine, and Vajra Vehicle, and he was the escort of the King with signs of realization and magical powers. His eighth greatness was his well-learned knowledge— he built many temples in center of Myang Ro (myang ro) village in Tsang and visited the noble land of India. He overcame countless difficulties and requested extraordinary teachings from perfected and authentic scholars, and also brought the practice to completion. His ninth greatness was being able to auto-translate the excellent doctrine—he requested numerous sutras and tantras from perfected and authentic scholars and translated them properly; also he attained mastery in meditative power by attaining the imperishable breath of dharmic sky-goers. Since he became a being of the field of forbearance, he benefited all beings for as long as samsara is not emptied—this continuous lineage of the ten directions illuminating the demonstration that transcended all directions, was his tenth greatness.

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