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| <noinclude>This is the "Figure" form to be used to create a Figure page. To add a new figure, click "Add a Figure" on the [[Main Page]].</noinclude><includeonly>
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| __NOTOC____NOEDITSECTION__{{{info|partial form|create title=Essentials: Figure|edit title=Essentials: Figure}}}
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| {{{for template|Person}}}
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| {{FigureFormNavigation}}
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| == Essentials ==
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| {| class="smwtable-clean th-top-right th-nowrap max-1200"
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| |-
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| ! Figure Role {{#info:Select all that apply.|info}}
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| | {{{field|PersonType|property=PersonType|delimiter=;|input type=checkboxes|values=Abbots; Aristocracy; Authors of Chinese Works; Authors of English Works; Authors of French Works; Authors of German Works; Authors of Italian Works; Authors of Japanese Works; Authors of Sanskrit Works; Authors of Spanish Works; Authors of Theravadin Works; Authors of Tibetan Works; Chinese Buddhist Teachers; Classical Chinese Authors; Classical Indian Authors; Classical Japanese Authors; Classical Theravadin Authors; Classical Tibetan Authors; Editors; Geshes; Independent Researchers; Khenpos; Kings; Librarians; Lotsawas; Ordained (Monks and Nuns); Other Authors; Other Researchers; phyi dar; Professors; Professors Emeritus; Scribes; snga dar; Tertons; Theravada Buddhist Teachers; Tibetan Buddhist Teachers; Translators; Tsadra Fellows and Grantees; Tulkus; Western Buddhist Teachers; Zen Buddhist Teachers}}}
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| |-
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| ! Biography/Description {{#info:Add here a bio about this person. ALWAYS add a source for the bio. This can be done by adding a link at the bottom of the paragraph of the bio, with the form: '''<nowiki>([http://website.URL Source Accessed MONTH DAY, YEAR])</nowiki>'''<br> '''EXAMPLE:''' <nowiki>([http://www.alanwallace.org Source Accessed Jan 10, 2015])</nowiki>|info}}
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| | {{{field|bio|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
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| ! Images {{#info:'''DO NOT''' use markup but just one image per line, including the "File:" prefix. You can add captions by adding '''{ { ! } } ''' at the end of the File's pagename and then your description, which can include links (double square brackets).|info}}
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| | {{{field|images|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow|placeholder=File:ImageOne.jpg
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| File:ImageTwo.jpg { { ! } } Some description here with [ [Some link] ] .
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| File:ImageThree.jpg
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| etc.}}}
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| |-
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| ! Associated website(s) {{#info:If there is a clear website for this person, such as a personal or professional website dedicated to them, or a university page, add the full link here. You can also add any link to relevant materials, CV page, Faculty page, link to a current project, etc. Use " // " in between each link to separate. Example: <pre class="code"><nowiki>[http://www.religion.ucsb.edu/wp-content/uploads/Jose_Cabezon_CV.pdf Curriculum Vitae] // [http://www.religion.ucsb.edu/people/faculty/jose-cabezon/ Faculty Home Page]</nowiki></pre>|info}}
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| | {{{field|associatedwebsite|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
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| |-
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| ! Special notes {{#info:This field is for special notes to be left if unique circumstances require them.|info}}
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| | {{{field|archivistnotes|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
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| |}
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| == Dates ==
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| {| class="smwtable-clean th-top-right th-nowrap max-1200"
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| |-
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| ! Yeaf of birth
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| | {{{field|yearbirth|input type=text}}}
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| |-
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| ! Yeaf of passing
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| | {{{field|yeardeath|input type=text}}}
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| |-
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| ! Place of birth {{#info: Add what city and country (or area, province, etc.) the person was born in, if known. If neither is known, leave blank. |info}}
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| | {{{field|bornin|size=50}}}
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| |-
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| ! Notes on Dates
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| | {{{field|DatesNotes|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
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| |-
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| | colspan="2" | <span style="color: darkred;">'''Deprecated/Duplicated fields, merge with fields above(?):'''</span>
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| {| class="th-top-right th-nowrap" style="margin-left: 3em;"
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| |- style="background-color: #dbbdbc;"
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| ! Western calendar year of birth
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| | {{{field|YearBirth|input type=text}}}
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| |- style="background-color: #dbbdbc;"
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| ! Western calendar year of death
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| | {{{field|YearDeath|input type=text}}}
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| |- style="background-color: #dbbdbc;"
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| ! Place of birth
| |
| | {{{field|BornIn|input type=text}}}
| |
| |}
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| |}
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| == Links ==
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| {| class="smwtable-clean th-top-right th-nowrap max-1200"
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| ! [https://library.bdrc.io/ Buddhist Digital Resource Center]
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| | {{{field|BdrcLink|size=50|placeholder=URL}}} P#: {{{field|BdrcPnum|size=10}}}
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| |-
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| ! [http://www.treasuryoflives.org/ Treasury of Lives]
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| | {{{field|TolLink|size=50|placeholder=URL}}} <br> {{{field|tolExcerpt|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow|placeholder=Treasury of Lives excerpt}}}
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| |-
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| ! [http://www.himalayanart.org/ Himalayan Art Resources]
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| | {{{field|HarLink|size=50|placeholder=URL}}}
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| |}
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