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Zhang ston bstan pa rgya mtsho
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|TeacherOf=dge 'dun bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho; skal bzang thub bstan dbang phyug; 'jigs med 'phrin las rgya mtsho; blo bzang dbang phyug bshad sgrub rgya mtsho; 'jigs med blo gros rgya mtsho
|TeacherOf=dge 'dun bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho; skal bzang thub bstan dbang phyug; 'jigs med 'phrin las rgya mtsho; blo bzang dbang phyug bshad sgrub rgya mtsho; 'jigs med blo gros rgya mtsho
|BnwShortPersonBio=Shangton Tenpa Gyatso was born in Tseshung (rtse gzhung) in 1825. His father's name was Nyingkar bum. and his mother was Tsering Drolma. He entered Bkra-shis-'khyil monastery in 1837. He later took the Tshogs-bsags rab-'byams-pa degree in 1845. He went to Pe-cin to become the yongs 'dzin of the Thu'u-bkwan in 1854. His collected works (gsung 'bum) comprise four volumes (79 sections). His Collected Works can be found [https://archive.org/details/bdrc-W29232/mode/2up here]. ([https://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=P257 Adapted from Source Sept 1 2020])
|BnwShortPersonBio=Shangton Tenpa Gyatso was born in Tseshung (rtse gzhung) in 1825. His father's name was Nyingkar bum. and his mother was Tsering Drolma. He entered Bkra-shis-'khyil monastery in 1837. He later took the Tshogs-bsags rab-'byams-pa degree in 1845. He went to Pe-cin to become the yongs 'dzin of the Thu'u-bkwan in 1854. His collected works (gsung 'bum) comprise four volumes (79 sections). His Collected Works can be found [https://archive.org/details/bdrc-W29232/mode/2up here]. ([https://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=P257 Adapted from Source Sep 1 2020])

Latest revision as of 18:15, 6 November 2020

PersonType Category:Authors of Tibetan Works
MainNamePhon Shangton Tenpa Gyatso
MainNameTib ཞང་སྟོན་བསྟན་པ་རྒྱ་མཚོ་
MainNameWylie zhang ston bstan pa rgya mtsho
YearBirth 1825
YearDeath 1897
BornIn Tseshung
PersonalAffiliation Father: snying dkar 'bum; Mother: tshe ring sgrol ma
StudentOf shes rab rgya mtsho  ·  thub bstan 'jigs med rgya mtsho  ·  dkon mchog rgyal mtshan  ·  dkon mchog rgya mtsho  ·  blo gsal rgya mtsho  ·  bstan 'dzin
TeacherOf dge 'dun bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho  ·  skal bzang thub bstan dbang phyug  ·  'jigs med 'phrin las rgya mtsho  ·  blo bzang dbang phyug bshad sgrub rgya mtsho  ·  'jigs med blo gros rgya mtsho
BDRC https://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=P257
IsInGyatsa No
BnwShortPersonBio Shangton Tenpa Gyatso was born in Tseshung (rtse gzhung) in 1825. His father's name was Nyingkar bum. and his mother was Tsering Drolma. He entered Bkra-shis-'khyil monastery in 1837. He later took the Tshogs-bsags rab-'byams-pa degree in 1845. He went to Pe-cin to become the yongs 'dzin of the Thu'u-bkwan in 1854. His collected works (gsung 'bum) comprise four volumes (79 sections). His Collected Works can be found here. (Adapted from Source Sep 1 2020)
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