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Eltschinger, V.
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== Full Name ==
Vincent Eltschinger
== Affiliation ==
== Education ==
== Other Information ==
== Publications ==
== Publications ==


Revision as of 17:03, 18 March 2019

PersonType Category:Professors
FirstName / namefirst Vincent
LastName / namelast Eltschinger
MainNamePhon Vincent Eltschinger
bio Vincent Eltschinger is Professor for Indian Buddhism at the École Pratique des Hautes Études, PSL Research University, Paris. His research work focuses on the religious background, the apologetic dimensions and the intellectual genealogy of late Indian Buddhist philosophy. His publications include numerous books and articles dedicated to various aspects of the Indian Buddhists’ polemical interaction with orthodox Brahmanism from Aśvaghoṣa to late Indian Buddhist epistemologists. Mention can be made of Penser l’autorité des Écritures (2007), Caste and Buddhist Philosophy (2012), Buddhist Epistemology as Apologetics (2014), Self, No-Self and Salvation (2013, together with Isabelle Ratié). Vincent Eltschinger has been teaching at various universities including Budapest, Lausanne, Leiden, Leipzig, Tokyo, Venice, Vienna, and Zurich. (Source Accessed March 18, 2019)
affiliation École Pratique des Hautes Études
IsInGyatsa No
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