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|PosAllBuddhaMoreNotes=Karl cites ShAkya mchog ldan: "The sugata heart is the naturally pure wisdom, luminous by nature, that pervades [everyone] from buddhas to sentient beings." [[Brunnhölzl, K.]], [[When the Clouds Part]], p. 124.
|PosAllBuddhaMoreNotes=Karl cites ShAkya mchog ldan: "The sugata heart is the naturally pure wisdom, luminous by nature, that pervades [everyone] from buddhas to sentient beings." [[Brunnhölzl, K.]], [[When the Clouds Part]], p. 124.
|PosWheelTurn=Third Turning
|PosWheelTurnNotes="Kunga Drölcho provides some context for Dsen Kawoché’s view and for the following excerpts from the latter’s teachings, which Kunga Drölcho compiled as Guiding Instructions on the View of Other-Emptiness:
As for the Guiding Instructions on the View of Other-Emptiness, Dsen Kawoché said, "The Kashmiri paṇḍita Sajjana made the following very essential statement: ‘The victor turned the wheel of dharma three times—the first wheel [teaches] the four realities [of the noble ones], the second one [teaches] the lack of characteristics, and the final one makes excellent distinctions. Among these, the first two do not distinguish between what is actual and what is nominal. The last one was spoken at the point of certainty about the ultimate by distinguishing between the middle and extremes and by distinguishing between phenomena and the nature of phenomena. "  [[Brunnhölzl, K.]], [[When the Clouds Part]], pp. 142-143.
|PosYogaMadhyaNotes=Karl cites Kongtrul stating, "TOK calls Ngog’s tradition of the Maitreya texts "the oral transmission of explanation" (bshad pa’i bka’ babs) and Dsen’s lineage, "the oral transmission of practice" (sgrub pa’i bka’ babs), saying that they are asserted to hold the views of Madhyamaka and Mere Mentalism, respectively." [[Brunnhölzl, K.]], [[When the Clouds Part]], p. 124.
|PosYogaMadhyaNotes=Karl cites Kongtrul stating, "TOK calls Ngog’s tradition of the Maitreya texts "the oral transmission of explanation" (bshad pa’i bka’ babs) and Dsen’s lineage, "the oral transmission of practice" (sgrub pa’i bka’ babs), saying that they are asserted to hold the views of Madhyamaka and Mere Mentalism, respectively." [[Brunnhölzl, K.]], [[When the Clouds Part]], p. 124.

Revision as of 14:30, 16 March 2018

PersonType Category:Author
MainNameTib བཙན་ཁ་བོ་ཆེ་
MainNameWylie btsan kha bo che
  • 1076. Together with Rngog Blo-ldan-shes-rab, Rwa Lo Rdo-rje-grags-pa, Khyung-po Chos-kyi-brtson-'grus travelled to Kashmir to study with Sadzdza-na and others. Worked with Gzu Chos-kyi-rdo-rje.
  • 1089. Return to Tibet and begins to teach the Byams chos sde lnga at Yar-stod Brag-rgya. His school of exegesis of the Byams chos sde lnga became known as the Btsan lugs.
YearBirth 1021
TibDateGender Female
TibDateElement Iron
TibDateAnimal Bird
ReligiousAffiliation bka' gdams
StudentOf grwa pa mngon shes  ·  Sajjana
IsInGyatsa No
PosBuNayDefProv Definitive
PosBuNayDefProvNotes Karl cites ShAkya mchog ldan:

"The definitive meaning that he found from having studied the dharmas of Maitreya is explained by those in his lineage as follows. The sugata heart is the naturally pure wisdom, luminous by nature, that pervades [everyone] from buddhas to sentient beings. In earlier times these [two approaches] were known as "the difference between explaining the dharmas of Maitreya as the tradition of characteristics (mtshan nyid kyi lugs) and explaining them as the meditative tradition (sgom lugs)." However, in both cases there is no contradiction because the [explanation] according to the first [approach] is more profound at the time of eliminating the clinging to characteristics, while the [explanation] according to the latter [approach] is needed so that [the sugata heart] can function as the support of qualities." Karl Brunnhölzl, When the Clouds Part, p. 124.

PosAllBuddha Yes
PosAllBuddhaMoreNotes Karl cites ShAkya mchog ldan: "The sugata heart is the naturally pure wisdom, luminous by nature, that pervades [everyone] from buddhas to sentient beings." Karl Brunnhölzl, When the Clouds Part, p. 124.
PosWheelTurn Third Turning
PosWheelTurnNotes "Kunga Drölcho provides some context for Dsen Kawoché’s view and for the following excerpts from the latter’s teachings, which Kunga Drölcho compiled as Guiding Instructions on the View of Other-Emptiness:

As for the Guiding Instructions on the View of Other-Emptiness, Dsen Kawoché said, "The Kashmiri paṇḍita Sajjana made the following very essential statement: ‘The victor turned the wheel of dharma three times—the first wheel [teaches] the four realities [of the noble ones], the second one [teaches] the lack of characteristics, and the final one makes excellent distinctions. Among these, the first two do not distinguish between what is actual and what is nominal. The last one was spoken at the point of certainty about the ultimate by distinguishing between the middle and extremes and by distinguishing between phenomena and the nature of phenomena. " Karl Brunnhölzl, When the Clouds Part, pp. 142-143.

PosYogaMadhya Yogācāra
PosYogaMadhyaNotes Karl cites Kongtrul stating, "TOK calls Ngog’s tradition of the Maitreya texts "the oral transmission of explanation" (bshad pa’i bka’ babs) and Dsen’s lineage, "the oral transmission of practice" (sgrub pa’i bka’ babs), saying that they are asserted to hold the views of Madhyamaka and Mere Mentalism, respectively." Karl Brunnhölzl, When the Clouds Part, p. 124.
PosAnalyticMedit Meditative Tradition
  • "These two traditions of rngog and btsan were respectively called the "analytical tradition" (thos bsam gyi lugs) and "meditative tradition" (sgom lugs)." Kano. K., Buddha-Nature and Emptiness, p. 242
  • "The lineage through Ngog Lotsāwa is often called "the exegetical tradition of the dharma works of Maitreya" (byams chos bshad lugs), while Dsen Kawoché’s transmissions represent "the meditative tradition of the dharma works of Maitreya" (byams chos sgom lugs)." Karl Brunnhölzl, When the Clouds Part, p. 123.
PosEmptyLumin Tathagatagarbha as Mind's Luminous Nature
  • Kano. K., Buddha-Nature and Emptiness, p. 242, footnote 4. Van der Kuijp via Shakya mchog ldan.
  • Klaus-Dieter Mathes, A Direct Path to the Buddha Within, p. 33.
  • "According to BA,[66] those who follow the tradition of Dsen Kawoché (Tib. Btsan Kha bo che) hold that since the tathāgata heart is the naturally luminous nature of the mind, it is the powerful vital cause of buddhahood. TOK agrees, saying that, according to the Eighth Situpa, the texts in Dsen Kawoché’s lineage accepted a really established, self-aware, self-luminous cognition empty of the duality of apprehender and apprehended to be the powerful vital cause of buddhahood." Karl Brunnhölzl, When the Clouds Part, p. 65.
  • Karl cites ShAkya mchog ldan: "The sugata heart is the naturally pure wisdom, luminous by nature, that pervades [everyone] from buddhas to sentient beings." Karl Brunnhölzl, When the Clouds Part, p. 124.
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"Tathagatagarbha as Mind's Luminous Nature" is not in the list (Tathāgatagarbha as the Emptiness That is a Non-implicative Negation (without enlightened qualities), Tathāgatagarbha as the Emptiness That is an Implicative Negation (with enlightened qualities), Tathāgatagarbha as Mind's Luminous Nature, Tathāgatagarbha as the Unity of Emptiness and Luminosity, Tathāgatagarbha as a Causal Potential or Disposition (gotra), Tathāgatagarbha as the Resultant State of Buddhahood, Tathāgatagarbha as the Latent State of Buddhahood that is Obscured in Sentient Beings, There are several types of Tathāgatagarbha, Tathāgatagarbha was Taught Merely to Encourage Sentient Beings to Enter the Path) of allowed values for the "PosEmptyLumin" property.