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Rabten, Geshe
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Revision as of 13:49, 13 March 2018



Other Transliterations in use:
Geshe Rabten
Geshé Rabten


Main Students

Main Teachers

Other Biographical Information


Other Works by Geshé Rabten Advice from a Spiritual Friend, (with Geshe Ngawang Dargyey). Trans. Gonsar Tulku, ed. B. Beresford, London: Wisdom Publications, 1983. (Reprint) The Essential Nectar. Verse trans. and ed. Martin Wilson, London: Wisdom Publications, 1984. The Graduated Path to Liberation. Tr. Gonsar Tulku, Delhi: Mahayana Publications, 1982 (first edition: Cambridge, England, 1972). (Reprint) The Life and Teachings of Geshé Rabten. Trans. and ed. B. Alan Wallace, London: George, Allen and Unwin, 1980. Mahāmudrā. Trans and ed. Gonsar Tulku, Brian Beresford and Stephen Batchelor, Zürich: Theseus Verlag, 1979 (German language edition). The Mind and its Functions. Trans. and ed. Stephen Batchelor, Tharpa Choeling: 1978. The Preliminary Practices. Trans. Gonsar Tulku, ed. Georges Driessens, Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1974 (revised ed. 1976).

Writings About Rabten, Geshe


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