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Revision as of 12:12, 3 August 2020

Saito Akira icabs.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of Japanese Works
Category:Authors of English Works
MainNamePhon Akira Saitō
bio Prof. Akira Saito is a faculty member at the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies in Tokyo Japan. He holds an M.A. from the University of Tokyo (1979) and received his Ph.D. from Australian National University (1985). His primary area of specialization is the History of Indian Buddhist Philosophy and Madhyamaka Studies. His teaching activities at ICPBC include: Reading Buddhist Studies in Foreign Languages; Inner Asian Buddhist Philology; Ph.D. Tutorials; and Special topics in Buddhist Studies. (Adapted from Source Aug 3, 2020)
YearBirth 1950/11/27
BornIn Tokyo
affiliation University of Tokyo
phduniversity University of Tokyo
education Ph.D., The Australian National University (1985). Dissertation: "A Study of the Buddhapālita-mūlamadhyamakavŗtti.";

M.A., University of Tokyo (1979). Thesis: "Śūnyatā and Satyadvaya Theory of Nāgārjuna" (In Japanese).

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Curriculum Vitae April 1st, 2011

Name in Full: Akira Saito

Age: 60

Date of Birth: November 27, 1950 (Tokyo)

Present Address: 7-20-26-401 Okudo, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo, 124-0022 Japan

Telephone & Fax: [Home] +81-3-5698-8701, [Office] +81-3-5841-3754


Marital Status: Married, November 9, 1980, to Yukiko Saito

Education: April 1970 – March 1972 University of Tokyo

                                            (General Education)

April 1972 – March 1976 University of Tokyo

                                            (Faculty of Letters)

April 1976 – March 1979 University of Tokyo

                    (M.A. Course in the Dept. of Indian Philosophy and Sanskrit Philology, under the supervision of Prof. J. Takasaki, co-supervisors being Profs. Z. Yamaguchi, M. Hara, and S. Mayeda)

April 1979 – March 1981 University of Tokyo

                    (Doctoral Course in the same Dept., with the same supervisor and co-supervisors as above.  Specialized in Indian – esp. Mādhyamika – Buddhism)

July 1981 – March 1984 The Australian National University (Ph.D. Course in the Dept. of South Asian and Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Asian Studies, under the supervision of Prof. J.W. de Jong, co-supervisor being Dr. T. Rajapatirana)

Academic Qualifications:

M.A. 1979 University of Tokyo (Thesis: Śūnyatā and Satyadvaya Theory of Nāgārjuna [In Japanese])

Ph.D. 1985 The Australian National University (Thesis: A Study of the Buddhapālita-mūlamadhyamakavŗtti)


April 1984 – March 1988: Research Assistant in the Dept. of Indian Philosophy and Sanskrit Philology, Faculty of Letters, University of Tokyo

April 1988 – March 1993: Associate Professor in the Course of Asian Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Mie University

April 1993 – March 2000: Professor in the Course of Asian Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Mie University

April 2000 – Presently: Professor in the Dept. of Indian Philosophy and Buddhist Studies, Graduate School of Humanities & Faculty of Letters, University of Tokyo  

September 2008 – Presently: President of Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies

List of Publications

Akira Saito (March 1st, 2011)

(Asterisk(*) indicates that those works are written in English)


1 [In Collaboration] A Catalogue of the Tibetan Manuscripts Collected by Sir Aurel Stein, Parts 4 and 5, Tokyo, 1980 (131p.), 1981 (159p.).

2 *[In Collaboration] Index to the Saddharmapuňđrīkasūtra – Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese – , Fascicles 1-11, Tokyo, 1985-1993 (1193p.).

3 Tibetan Materials from Dūn-huáng, Series Dūn-huáng 6, Tokyo, 577p. (esp. “On the Mādhyamika Materials”, pp.311-347), 1985.

4 [In Collaboration] Indian Buddhism 3, Iwanami Series: Oriental Thoughts 10, 409p. (esp. “Ekayāna and Triyāna”, pp.46-74), Tokyo, 1989.

5 *A Study of Akşyamati (=Śāntideva)’s Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra as Found in the Tibetan Manuscripts from Tun-huang, Research Report of the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Mie University, 124p., 1993.

6 [In Collaboration] The Search for Soul (魂), Mie, 239p. (esp. “Buddhism and Soul”, pp.143-164), 1995.

7 [In Collaboration] The Search for Indendity, Mie, 177p. (esp. “In Search of Identical Self – Indian Dispute on Ātman–“, pp.114-133), 1998.

8 *A Study of the Dūn-huáng Recension of the Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra, Research Report of the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Mie University, 110p., 2000.

9 [In Collaboration] The Search for Compassion (情), Mie, 164p. (esp. “The Logic of Compassion – Śāntideva on the Equality of Oneself and Others”, pp.103-115), 2002.

10 [In Collaboration] Homo(ヒト), Man(人) and Human beings (人間), Tokyo, 256p. (esp. "The Views of Homo, Man and Human beings in Indian Religious Tradition", pp.227-247.), 2002.

11 [In Collaboration] Into the Root of Religious Thoughts, Iwanami Series: Religions 4, Tokyo, 301p. (esp. pp.77-104), Tokyo, 2004.

12 [In Collaboration] Infinity and Finiteness , Mie, 179p. (esp. “Saṃskṛta and Asaṃskṛta”, pp.105-116), 2006.

13 A Comprehensive Research on the Origins and Reality of Mahayana Buddhism, Report of the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The University of Tokyo, 277pp., 2007.

14 *[Editor] Mahāyāna Buddhism: Its Origins and Reality, Acta Asiatica 96, Tokyo: The Toho Gakkai, 2009.2, vi+126 p.

15 [Editor-in-Chief] Bauddhakośa: A Treasury of Buddhist Terms and Illustrative Sentences, vol.1, The Seventy-five Elements (dharma) of Sarvāstivāda in the Abhidharmakośabhāşya and related works, Bibliotheca Indologica et Buddhologica 14, Tokyo: Sankibo Press, 2011.


  • A Study of the Buddhapālita-mūlamadhyamakavŗtti, The Australian National University, xxx + 667pp., 1985.


1 “On lCang-skya’s Grub pa’i mtha’ rnam par bzhags pa, Chapter of “mDo sde spyod pa’i dBu ma rang rgyud pa””, Chibetto Gakkaihō (Report of the Japanese Association for Tibetan Studies, abr. to JJATS) 27, 1981, pp.7-10.

2 “On the Different Interpretations of the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā – especially Chapter 13 entitled “Examination of Reality”“, Bukkyōgaku (Buddhist Studies, abr. to BS) 14, 1982, pp.65-88.

3 *“Textcritical Remarks on the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā as Cited in the Prasannapadā”, Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū (Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, abr. to JIBS) 33-2, 1985, pp.842-846.

4 “On Akşayamati’s Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra”, RJATS 32, pp.1-7, 1986.

5 “Akşayamati‘s Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra as Found in the Tibetan Manuscripts from Dūn-huáng”, Chibetto no Bukkyō to Shakai (Tibetan Buddhism and Society), Tokyo, 1986, pp.79-109.

6 *“A Note on the Prajñā-nāma-mūlamadhyamakakārikā of Nāgārjuna”, JIBS 35-1, 1986, pp.79-109.

7 “Critique of the Tibetan Translation of the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā”, Bukkyō Kenkyū no Sho-mondai (Problems in Buddhist Studies), Tokyo, 1987, pp.221-246.

8 “Remarks on the Texts of the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā as Cited in its Commentaries”, Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Ronshū (Indian and Buddhist Studies: Volume in Honour of Professor J. Takasaki on his Sixtieth Birthday), Tokyo, 1987, pp.755-764.

9 “Buddhapālita as Placed in the Early Mādhyamika”, BS 24, 1988, pp.29-51.

10 “Similes Used in the Akutobhayā and the Buddhapālita-mūlamadhya- makavŗtti”, JIBS 37-2, 1989, pp.859-864.

11 “A Note on Buddhist Concepts Koto(事) and Kotowari(理)”, Ronshū (Journal of Philosophical Studies [Dept. of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, Mie University], abr. to JPS) 6, 1990, pp.91-110.

12 “On the Different Interpretations and Translations of the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā, I.8ab”, JIBS 39-2, 1991, pp.888-992

13 “Nāgārjuna on Ātman and Nirvāňa”, Ga(我) no Shiso (Ātmajñāna: Volume in Honour of Prof. S. Mayeda on his Sixtieth Birthday), Tokyo, 1991, pp.181-196.

14 “Buddhist Functionalism”, JPS 7, 1992, pp.125-151.

15 “On the Textual Problems of Śāntideva’s Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra ,with special reference to chapter 9 entitled “Perfection of Wisdom (Prajñāpāramitā)”, Tohōgaku (Eastern Studies, abr. to ES) 87, 1994, pp.136-147.

16 “Śāntideva’s Philosphy as Expressed in the Early Version of his Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra, Chapter 8“, Tōkai Bukkyō (Journal of Tōkai Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies) 39, 1994, pp.98-114.

17 *“Problems in Translating the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā as Cited in its Commentaries”, Buddhist Translations: Problems and Perspectives, Delhi, 1995, pp.87-96.

18 *“Śāntideva in the History of Mādhyamika Philosophy”, Buddhism in India and Abroad, Mumbai, 1996, pp.422-428.

19 “Interpretations of Śāntideva’s Philosophy as Given in the Anonymous Commentary, Bodhisattvacaryāvatāravŗtti[-pañjikā]”, Indoshisō to Bukkyōbunka (Indian Thoughts and Buddhist Culture: Essays in Honour of Professor J. Imanishi on His Sixtieth Birthday), Tokyo, 1996, pp.582-594.

20 “Remarks on the Philosophical Standpoint of the Anonymous Commentary, Bodhisattvacaryāvatāravŗtti[-pañjikā]”, JIBS 45-2, 1997, pp.877-883.

21 “Essence, Existence, and Function -Nāgārjuna as a Functionalist-“, JPS 8, 1997, pp.89-110.

22 *“Bu ston on the sPyod 'jug (Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra)", Transmission of the Tibetan Canon (Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz, 1995, vol.Ⅲ), Österreichische      Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse,          Denkshriften, 257.Band, Wien, 1997.4, pp.79-85.

23 “Śāntideva’s Critique of Self in the Early and Later Versions of the Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra”, Nihon Bukkyōgakkai Nenpō (Journal of the Nippon Buddhist Research Association”) 62, 1997, pp.49-62.

24 *“Bhāviveka and the Madhya(anta)vibhāga/-bhāşya”, JIBS 46-2, 1998, pp.1032-1038.

25 “Emptiness and Words -On the Interpretation of the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā, XXIV.7”, Shūkyō Kenkyū (Journal of Religious Studeis, abr. to JRS) 72-1, 1998, pp.27-52.

26 “Bhāviveka’s Interpretation of paramārtha”, JPS 9, pp.66-81.

27 *“Remarks on the Tabo Manuscript of the Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra”, Tabo StudiesⅡ: Manuscripts, Texts, Inscriptions and Arts (Serie Orientale Roma 87), Rome, 1999, pp.175-189.

28 “Bu Ston on the Bodhisattvacaryāvatāravŗtti[-pañjikā]”, JIBS 48-2, 2000, pp.1030-1035.

29 “On Bhavya’s Interpretation of madhyamaka as Given in the Tarkajvālā”, Abhidharma Bukkyō to Indoshisō (Abhidharma and Indian Thought: Essays in Honour of Professor J. Kato on His Sixtieth Birthday), Tokyo, 2000, pp.267-279.

30 “Śūnyatāvādin and Pratītyasamutpādavādin, with special reference to Buddhapālita”, Kū to Jitsuzai (Śūnyatā and Reality: Volume in Memory of Professor Y. Ejima), Tokyo, 2000, pp.93-115.

31 “Bodhi(sattva)caryāvatāra and Śikşāsamuccaya”, Indotetsugaku Bukkyogaku (Hokkaido Journal of Indological and Buddhist Studies) 16, 2001, pp.326-353.

32 "Akşayamati and Śāntideva", Higashi-Ajia Bukkyō – sono Seiritsu to Tenkai (Eastern Buddhism – Its Formation and Development: Volume in Honour of Prof. K. Kimura on his Sixtieth Birthday), Tokyo, 2002, pp.533-551.

33 "gSer gling pa's Bodhisattvacaryāvatārapiňđārtha and its Thought", Bukkyō no Shugyō-hō (Buddhist Practice: Volume in Memory of Dr. J. Abe), Tokyo, 2003, pp.372-406.

34 "Remarks on the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā as Cited in the *Mahāprajñā- pāramitopadeśa", The Memoirs of the Institute of Oriental Culture 143, 2003, pp.189-224.

35 "Remarks on the Authorship and Textual Development of the Akutobhayā", JIBS 51-2, 2003, pp.863-869.

36 "What does gSer gling pa mean by the 'Eleven Main Points'?", Chibetto Gakkaihō (Report of the Japanese Association for Tibetan Studies) 49, 2003, pp.3-12.

37 "The Akutobhayā and Its Approximate Date of Formation", BS 45, 2003, pp.(1)-(29).

38 *"Remarks on *Akşayamati (Blo gros mi zad pa), being the author of the earlier version of the Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra", Buddhism in Global Perspective, Mumbai: Somaiya Publications, 2003, pp.308-317.

39 *"Notes on the Interpretation of Bodhi(sattva)caryāvatāra V.104-106", Gedenkschrift J. W. de Jong, ed. by H.W. Bodewitz and M. Hara, Tokyo: The International Institute for Buddhist Studies, 2004.3, pp.135-147.

40 *"Bhāviveka's Theory of Meaning", JIB 51-2, 2004.3, pp.924-931.

41 "Remarks on the Title and Textual Formation of the Madhyamaka- hŗdayakārikā", JIBS 53-2, 2005.3, pp.832-838.

42 *"Śāntideva's Critque of 'I' or Self in the Early and Later Recensions of the Bodhi(sattva)caryāvatāra", Studies in Indian Philosophy and Buddhism 13, Dept. of Indian Philosophy and Buddhist Studies, Graduate School of Humanities, University of Tokyo, 2006.3, pp.35-43.

43 *"Bhāviveka's Theory of Perception", JIBS 54-2, pp.1212-1220.

44 *"Is Nāgārjuna a Mādhyamika?", Hokekyō to Daijōkyōten no Kenkyū (Studies in the Saddharmapuňđarīkasūtra and Mahāyāna Scriptures), 2007.1, pp.153-164.

45 ”On the Meaning of mDo sde (pa’i, spyod pa’i) dBu ma as Used in Ye shes sde’s lTa ba’i khyad par, JIBS 55-2, 2007.3, pp.910-918.

46 “Bhaviveka’s Critique of Cognition Having a Two-fold Appearance”, JIBS 56-2, 2008.3, pp.897-903.

47 “Bhavya’s Critique of Cognition Having a Two-fold Appearance in the Tarkajvālā”, Buddhism and Culture; Essays in Honour of Professor K. Tada on His Seventieth Birthday, 2008.11, pp.141-156.

48 *“Nāgārjuna’s Influence on the Formation of the Early Yogācāra Thoughts - from the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā to the Bodhisattva- bhūmi -”, Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies 58-3, 2010.3, pp.1182-1188.

49 *“An Inquiry into the Relationship between the Śikṣāsamuccaya and the Bodhi(sattva)caryāvatāra”, Studies in Indian Philosophy and Buddhism 17, 2010.3, pp.17-24.

Reviews, Reports, and Obituaries:

1 “Historical Studies in Japan, 1988, Inland Asia 3: Tibet”, Shigaku Zasshi (Journal of Historical Studies) 98-5, 1989, pp.281-283.

2 *“Review of T.J.F. Tillemans, Materials for the Study of Āryadeva, DharmapAla and CandrakIrti, vols.1&2 (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, Heft 24), Wien, 1990", Acta Orientalia 53, 1992, pp.199-204.

3 “Review of M. Honda, Candrakīrti’s Chūronchū Wayaku (Japanese Translation of Candrakīrti’s Commentary on the Mūlamadhyamaka- kārikā), Tokyo, 1988, and T. Okuzumi, Cancrakīrti’s Prasannapadā Wayaku (Japanese Translation of Candrakīrti’s Prasannapadā), Tokyo, 1988”, JRS 66-3, 1992, pp.146-150.

4 “Review of Y. Nara ed., Buddha kara Dōgen he - Bukkyō Tōronshū (From Buddha to Dōgen - The Debates on Buddhist Issues), Tokyo, 1992”, JRS 67-1, 1993, pp.174-180.

5 “Notes on Eastern Studies Abroad: Participating in the IXth World Sanskrit Conference (Melbourne, Jan.9-15, 1994)”, ES 88, 1994, pp.176-181.

6 “Notes on Eastern Studies Abroad: Participating in the Xth World Sanskrit Conference (Bangalore, Jan.3-9, 1997)”, ES 94, 1997, pp.89-96.

7 “A Report on the 35th International Congress of North African and Asian Studies (Budapest, July 7-12, 1997), Sections of Buddhist Studies and Sanskrit Studies”, Tōhōgakkaihō (Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture) 73, 1997, pp.25-29.

8 “Obituary: Professor Yasunori Ejima”, Minami-Ajia Kenkyū (Journal of the Japanese Association for South Asian Studies) 11, 1999, pp.202-209.

9 *“A Report on the XIIth IABS Conference (Lausanne,Aug.23-28,1999)", MahApiTaka (Newsletter), New Series No.5, 2000, pp.5-6.

10 “A Report on the 36th International Congress of North African and Asian Studies, Section of Buddhist Studies (Montreal, Aug.27-Sept.2, 2000)”, Tōhōgakkaihō (Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture) 79, 2000, pp.31-34.

11 *“A Report on the XXXVIth International Congress of Asian and North African Studies (Montreal, Aug.27-Sept.2, 2000), MahApiTaka (Newsletter), New Series No.6, 2001, pp.7-8.

12 “In Memoriam: Professor Jan Willem de Jong”, JIBS 50-2, 2002, pp.734-739.

13 “A Report on the 48th International Conference of Eastern Studies, Section of Buddhist Studies”, Tōhōgakkaihō (Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture) 84, 2003.7, pp.17-20.

14 "Symposium IV: Mahāyāna Buddhism: Its Origins and Reality – On the Basis of Recent Controversy and Achievements", Transactions of the International Conference of Eastern Studies, No.48, 2003.12, pp.130-134.

15 “A Report on the 37th International Congress of North African and Asian Studies, Section of Buddhist Studies (Moscow, Aug.16-Sept.21, 2004)”, Tōhōgakkaihō (Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture) 87, 2003.12, pp.14-18.

16 "A Report on the 19th World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions", Tōhōgakkaihō (Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture) 88, 2004.8, pp.36-38.

17 *“A Report on the XIVth IABS Conference (London, Aug.29-Sept.3, 2005)", MahApiTaka (Newsletter), New Series No.11, 2006, pp.6-7.

18 “Notes on Eastern Studies Abroad: Participating in the XIVth Conference of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (London, Aug.29-Sept.3, 2005)”, ES 111, 2006.1, p.147-153.

19 “A Report on the 51st International Conference of Eastern Studies, Symposium III: "MahAyAna" Buddhism: Its Images Virtual and Real, from Sūras to Śāstras", Tōhōgakkaihō (Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture) 84, 2006.8, pp.15-17.

20 "Symposium III: "MahAyAna" Buddhism: Its Images Virtual and Real, from Sūras to Śāstras", Transactions of the International Conference of Eastern Studies, No.51, 2006.12, pp.141-145.

Brief Essays, Notices, and Others:

1 “Nāgārjuna’s Two Truths (Satyadvaya) Theory and Some of its Problems”, JIBS 28-2, 1980, pp.640-641.

2 “Candrakīrti’s Interpretation of the Two Truth (Satyadvaya) Theory in his Śūnyatāsaptativŗtti”, JIBS 29-2, 1981, pp.156-157.

3 *“BuddhapAlita in the History of MAdhyamika Philosophy”, Transactions of the International Conference of Orientalists in Japan 31, 1986, pp.106-107.

4 “On Nāgārjuna’s Catuųstava”, JRS 59-4, 1986, pp.163-165.

5 “A Note on the Four Kinds of Dharmadhātus (四種法界)”, JRS 64-4, 1991, pp.203-204.

6 “On Śāntideva’s Position in the History of Mādhyamika Philosophy”, JRS 69-4, 1996, pp.173-175,

7 “On the Relative Usage of Paramārtha and Saņvŗti”, JRS 70-4, 1997, pp.201-202.

8 “A Note on the Concept of Existence in Nāgārjuna’s Works”, JRS 71-4, 1998, pp.203-204.

9 “Research Report: Transmission and Change of Śāntideva’s Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra ―An Anecdote of the Discovery of its Earlier Version”, Newsletter of the Research Project “Reconstitution of Classical Studies” (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas) 8, 2000, pp.11-19.

10 Editorial Work: [In Collaboration] Iwanami Dictionary of Philosophy, Tokyo, xiv + 1931pp., 1998.

11 Editorial Work: [In Collaboration] Catalogue of the Exhibition for the Buddhist Materials Preserved in the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, viii + 24pp., 2001.

A Study of Akṣayamati (=Śāntideva)'s Bodhisattvacāryavatāra as Found in the Tibetan Manuscripts From Tun-huang


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