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Thogs med bzang po
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|PosBuNayDefProvNotes=Wangchuk quotes Tokme's praise of the ''Uttaratantra'', which states: "Endowed with the essence of stamens of the ultimate definitive meaning,  Is this lotus grove of the teaching of the Lord Maitreya." [[Wangchuk, Tsering]], ''[[The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows]]'', p. 60.
|PosBuNayDefProvNotes=Wangchuk quotes Tokme's praise of the ''Uttaratantra'', which states: "Endowed with the essence of stamens of the ultimate definitive meaning,  Is this lotus grove of the teaching of the Lord Maitreya." [[Wangchuk, Tsering]], ''[[The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows]]'', p. 60.
|PosAllBuddhaMoreNotes="Gyelsé Tokmé equates the naturally purified dharma-body with the tathāgata-essence by arguing that it is precisely because the latter exists in all beings that one can claim that the former exists in all beings also." [[Wangchuk, Tsering]], ''[[The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows]]'', p. 62.
|PosAllBuddhaMoreNotes="Gyelsé Tokmé equates the naturally purified dharma-body with the tathāgata-essence by arguing that it is precisely because the latter exists in all beings that one can claim that the former exists in all beings also. However, unlike Dölpopa, he never explicitly says in his commentary that sentient beings have a fully enlightened buddha within." [[Wangchuk, Tsering]], ''[[The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows]]'', p. 62.
|PosWheelTurn=Third Turning
|PosWheelTurn=Third Turning
|PosWheelTurnNotes=Gyelsé Tokmé emphasizes that the last-wheel teachings teach the most definitive meaning of the Buddha's thought. He states, "This meaning, which is depicted by the nine examples in this way, is the profoundest of the profound, and it is the ultimate definitive meaning." [[Wangchuk, Tsering]], ''[[The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows]]'', p. 61.
|PosWheelTurnNotes=Gyelsé Tokmé emphasizes that the last-wheel teachings teach the most definitive meaning of the Buddha's thought. He states, "This meaning, which is depicted by the nine examples in this way, is the profoundest of the profound, and it is the ultimate definitive meaning." [[Wangchuk, Tsering]], ''[[The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows]]'', p. 61.

Revision as of 12:28, 14 August 2018

Thogs med.jpg Tokme Zangpo.jpg
PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
MainNamePhon Tokme Zangpo
MainNameTib ཐོགས་མེད་བཟང་པོ་
MainNameWylie thogs med bzang po
AltNamesTib ཐོགས་མེད་བཟང་པོ་དཔལ་  ·  རྒྱལ་སྲས་ཐོགས་མེད་བཟང་པོ་  ·  རྒྱལ་སྲས་དངུལ་ཆུ་ཐོགས་མེད་  ·  རྒྱལ་སྲས་ཆོས་རྫོང་པ་  ·  དཀོན་མཆོག་བཟང་པོ་  ·  བཟང་པོ་དཔལ་
AltNamesWylie thogs med bzang po dpal  ·  rgyal sras thogs med bzang po  ·  rgyal sras dngul chu thogs med  ·  rgyal sras chos rdzong pa  ·  dkon mchog bzang po  ·  bzang po dpal
YearBirth 1295
YearDeath 1369
BornIn phul byung brag skya (sa skya)
TibDateGender Female
TibDateElement Wood
TibDateAnimal Sheep
TibDateRabjung 5
ReligiousAffiliation Kadam
TeacherOf red mda' ba gzhon nu blo gros  ·  'jam dbyangs don yod rgyal mtshan
Treasury of Lives
IsInGyatsa No
BnwShortPersonBio Gyalse Tokme Zangpo was a Kadampa master of the fourteenth century based at Ngulchu Monastery where he sat in retreat for twenty years. He had previously served as the abbot of Bodong E for about nine years, from 1326 to 1335. Significant in the transmission of Lojong teachings, his compositions include the famous Thirty-seven Practices of the Bodhisattva, one of the classics of Tibetan buddhist literature. A specialist in tantric Mahākaruṇā, he was a disciple of Butön Rinchen Drup and a teacher of Rendawa Zhönu Lodrö, and is counted as seventy-third in the Lamrim lineage.
PosBuNayDefProv Definitive
PosBuNayDefProvNotes Wangchuk quotes Tokme's praise of the Uttaratantra, which states: "Endowed with the essence of stamens of the ultimate definitive meaning, Is this lotus grove of the teaching of the Lord Maitreya." Wangchuk, Tsering, The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows, p. 60.
PosAllBuddha Yes
PosAllBuddhaMoreNotes "Gyelsé Tokmé equates the naturally purified dharma-body with the tathāgata-essence by arguing that it is precisely because the latter exists in all beings that one can claim that the former exists in all beings also. However, unlike Dölpopa, he never explicitly says in his commentary that sentient beings have a fully enlightened buddha within." Wangchuk, Tsering, The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows, p. 62.
PosWheelTurn Third Turning
PosWheelTurnNotes Gyelsé Tokmé emphasizes that the last-wheel teachings teach the most definitive meaning of the Buddha's thought. He states, "This meaning, which is depicted by the nine examples in this way, is the profoundest of the profound, and it is the ultimate definitive meaning." Wangchuk, Tsering, The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows, p. 61.
PosEmptyLumin Tathagatagarbha as the Dharmakaya
PosEmptyLuminNotes Wangchuk, Tsering, The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows, p. 62.
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"Tathagatagarbha as the Dharmakaya" is not in the list (Tathāgatagarbha as the Emptiness That is a Non-implicative Negation (without enlightened qualities), Tathāgatagarbha as the Emptiness That is an Implicative Negation (with enlightened qualities), Tathāgatagarbha as Mind's Luminous Nature, Tathāgatagarbha as the Unity of Emptiness and Luminosity, Tathāgatagarbha as a Causal Potential or Disposition (gotra), Tathāgatagarbha as the Resultant State of Buddhahood, Tathāgatagarbha as the Latent State of Buddhahood that is Obscured in Sentient Beings, There are several types of Tathāgatagarbha, Tathāgatagarbha was Taught Merely to Encourage Sentient Beings to Enter the Path) of allowed values for the "PosEmptyLumin" property.