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Ngor mkhan chen, 2nd
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PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
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Tibetan: ངོན་མཁན་ཆེན་དཀོན་མཆོག་རྒྱལ་མཚན་


Other Transliterations in use:


Born: 1388
Died: 1469 at Mus Bstan-'dzin Phug.


Other Biographical Information


Primary Seat - mus ya ma dgon

gling dga' bde ba can

Short bio from TBRC:
1396: Dbang-'od-pa hears monastic ordination vows.
1402: Mkhan-po Kun-smon and Byang-chub-sengge (not recorded) teach Phar phyin and Spyod 'jug.
1405. Bshad ston mdzad.
1407. Hears gcod from Nam-mkha'-rnal-'byor.
1411. Studies phar phyin with G'yag-phrug Sangs-rgyas-dpal and enters Sa-skya College.
1415. Goes to Myu-gu-lung for studies of 'U-yug-pa's tshad ma with Sems-dpa' Gzhon-nu-rgyal-mchog.
1419. Goes to Ngam-ring and studies with Rong-ston Smra-ba'i-sengge.
1421. Studies Red-mda'-ba's dbu ma with Dpal-'byor-shes-rab.
1422. Final ordination from Gangs-chen Kun-dga'-dpal.
1425. Goes to Sa-skya and meets Ngor-chen.
1429. Helps as the mkhar-las-pa in the establishment of Ngor E-wam Chos-ldan.
1456. Comes to the throne of Ngor.
1459. Founds Ya-ma Dgon at Mus.
1462. Turns Ngor over to Shes-rab-rgya-mtsho and retires to Mus Bstan-'dzin-phug.
Student (not recorded): Bdag-chen Rdo-rje-'chang Ma-ti-haa-tsa-shrii-bha-dra, i.e. Blo-gros-rgyal-mtshan.
Dies at Mus Bstan-'dzin Phug.

Main Students

blo gros rgyal mtshan

bsod nams lhun grub

sangs rgyas rin chen

sangs rgyas 'phel

kun dga' dbang phyug

bsod nams seng ge

dkon mchog 'phel ba

rin chen mkhyen rab mchog grub

bkra shis dpal bzang

Main Teachers

dpal 'byor shes rab

shes bya kun rig

kun dga' bzang po

gzhon nu rgyal mchog

sangs rgyas dpal ba

kun dga' dpal

nam mkha' rnal 'byor

dbang 'od bzang po

dpal 'od pa

sangs rgyas dpal


Writings About Ngor mkhan chen, 2nd

