Form:Person: Difference between revisions

From Tsadra Commons
((by SublimeText.Mediawiker))
No edit summary
(67 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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<noinclude>This is the "Figure" form to be used to create a Figure page. To add a new figure, click "Add a Figure" on the [[Main Page]].</noinclude><includeonly>
<noinclude>This is the "Figure" form to be used to create a Figure page. To add a new figure, click "Add a Figure" on the [[Main Page]].</noinclude><includeonly>
__NOTOC____NOEDITSECTION__{{{info|partial form|page name=<Person[pagename]>|create title=Create Figure|edit title=Edit Figure}}}{{{for template|Person}}}<!--
__NOTOC____NOEDITSECTION__{{{info|partial form|page name=<Person[pagename]>|create title=Essentials|edit title=Essentials}}}
{{{for template|Person}}}

Click {{{standard input|save and continue|label=Save and continue}}} before switching to...
<div class="max-1200">{{#ifexist: {{PAGENAME}} || {{Callout
|title=<big>You are creating a new figure page!</big>
|text=You must fill out this initial form with basic details, then hit save, in order to then be able to enter more detailed information about names, affiliations, classical figure info, etc.

'''Note''' ·
<big>Please enter the pagename here:</big><br>
[[Special:FormEdit/Figure Names/{{PAGENAME}}|Names]] ·
{{{field|pagename|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
[[Special:FormEdit/Figure Essentials/{{PAGENAME}}|Essentials]] ·
[[Special:FormEdit/Figure Essentials/{{PAGENAME}}|Essentials]] ·
= Essentials =


{| class="smwtable-clean th-top-right th-nowrap max-1200" {{#ifexist: {{PAGENAME}} | |
{{#ifexist: {{PAGENAME}} | {{FigureFormNavigation}} | }}
! Pagename for this person {{#info:Only fill this out when creating this page from a red link or using a form link.|info}}
{{!}} {{{field|pagename|input type=text}}} }}

== Names ==
<span class="float-right">[{{fullurl:Form:Person|action=edit}} <i class="fa-duotone fa-pen-field"></i> Edit form definition]</span>
=== <big>Names</big> ===

{| class="smwtable-clean th-top-right th-nowrap max-1200"
{| class="smwtable-clean th-top-right th-nowrap"  
! Display name {{#info:Use standardized English phonetics for non-western names, if applicable.|info}}
! Display name {{#info:Use standardized English phonetics for non-western names, if applicable. This value will be used as main names on the figure pages of our other educational websites, like Buddha-nature, Shantideva, etc.|note}}
| {{{field|MainNamePhon|input type=text}}}
| {{{field|MainNamePhon|input type=text}}}
! Sort name {{#info:If you would like to make sure this figure is sorted by a different name than it's pagename, please enter an alternate name here. It will not show anywhere but will be used whenever this person is listed alphabetically in a list.|info}}
! Sort name {{#info:If you would like to make sure this figure is sorted by a different name than it's pagename, please enter an alternate name here. It will not show anywhere but will be used whenever this person is listed alphabetically in a list.|note}}
| {{{field|SortName|input type=text}}}
| {{{field|SortName|input type=text}}}
! Modern names
! Modern names
| {{{field|namefirst|input type=text|placeholder=First}}} <br> {{{field|namemiddle|input type=text|placeholder=Middle}}} <br> {{{field|namelast|input type=text|placeholder=Last}}}
| {{{field|namefirst|input type=text|placeholder=First}}} {{{field|namelast|input type=text|placeholder=Last}}}
! Classical names
! Classical names
| {{{field|MainNameTib|input type=text|placeholder=Tibetan script}}} {{{field|MainNameWylie|input type=text|placeholder=Wylie}}} <br> {{{field|MainNameDev|input type=text|placeholder=Devanagari Sanskrit}}} {{{field|MainNameSkt|input type=text|placeholder=Romanized Sanskrit}}} <br> {{{field|MainNameChi|input type=text|placeholder=Chinese script}}} {{{field|MainNamePin|input type=text|placeholder=Chinese Pinyin}}} <br> {{{field|MainNameJap|input type=text|placeholder=Japanese script}}} {{{field|MainNameJapTranslit|input type=text|placeholder=Japanese transliteration}}} <br> {{{field|MainNameKor|input type=text|placeholder=Korean script}}} {{{field|MainNameKorTranslit|input type=text|placeholder=Korean transliteration}}}
| {{{field|MainNameTib|input type=text|placeholder=Tibetan script}}} {{{field|MainNameWylie|input type=text|placeholder=Wylie}}}
! Tertön name
| {{{field|TertonNameTib|input type=text|placeholder=Tibetan script}}} <br> {{{field|TertonNameWylie|input type=text|placeholder=Wylie}}}
! Primary Title/Epithet/Title Line
| {{{field|TitleEnglish|input type=text|placeholder=English/Phoneticized}}} <br> {{{field|TitleTibetan|input type=text|placeholder=Tibetan}}} <br> {{{field|TitleWylie|input type=text|placeholder=Wylie}}}
! Title Ordinal {{#info:For individuals in Tulku/title lines. E.g.: Karmapa, 8th, Dalai Lama, 14th, etc.|info}}
! Other names {{#info:Separate multiple values with semicolons. These will be used to create redirects to this figure's page.|info}}
| {{{field|Ordinal|input type=text}}}
! Other names {{#info:Separate multiple values with semicolons|info}}
| {{{field|OtherNames|list|delimiter=;|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
| {{{field|OtherNames|list|delimiter=;|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
| colspan="2" | <span style="color: darkred;">'''Deprecated fields, merge with "Other names" above(?):'''</span>
{| class="th-top-right th-nowrap" style="margin-left: 3em;"
|- style="background-color: #dbbdbc;"
! Other modern names {{#info:Separate multiple values with semicolons|info}}
| {{{field|namealt|list|delimiter=;|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
|- style="background-color: #dbbdbc;"
! Alternate names in Wylie {{#info:Separate multiple values with semicolons|info}}
| {{{field|AltNamesWylie|list|delimiter=;|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
|- style="background-color: #dbbdbc;"
! Alternate names in Tibetan {{#info:Separate multiple values with semicolons|info}}
| {{{field|AltNamesTib|list|delimiter=;|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
|- style="background-color: #dbbdbc;"
! Other classical names {{#info:Separate multiple values with semicolons|info}}
| {{{field|AltNamesOther|list|delimiter=;|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
! General notes on names
| {{{field|NotesOnNames|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}

== Essentials ==

{| class="smwtable-clean th-top-right th-nowrap max-1200"
=== <big>Essentials</big> ===
{| class="smwtable-clean th-top-right th-nowrap"
! Figure Role {{#info:Select all that apply.|info}}
! Figure Categories {{#info:Select all that apply.|note}}
| {{{field|PersonType|property=PersonType|delimiter=;|input type=checkboxes|values=Abbots; Aristocracy; Authors of Chinese Works; Authors of English Works; Authors of French Works; Authors of German Works; Authors of Italian Works; Authors of Japanese Works; Authors of Sanskrit Works; Authors of Spanish Works; Authors of Theravadin Works; Authors of Tibetan Works; Chinese Buddhist Teachers; Classical Chinese Authors; Classical Indian Authors; Classical Japanese Authors; Classical Theravadin Authors; Classical Tibetan Authors; Editors; Geshes; Independent Researchers; Khenpos; Kings; Librarians; Lotsawas; Ordained (Monks and Nuns); Other Authors; Other Researchers; phyi dar; Professors; Professors Emeritus; Scribes; snga dar; Tertons; Theravada Buddhist Teachers; Tibetan Buddhist Teachers; Translators; Tsadra Fellows and Grantees; Tulkus; Western Buddhist Teachers; Zen Buddhist Teachers}}}
| {{{field|PersonType|property=PersonType|delimiter=;|input type=checkboxes|values=Abbots; Aristocracy; Artists; Authors of Chinese Works; Authors of English Works; Authors of French Works; Authors of German Works; Authors of Italian Works; Authors of Japanese Works; Authors of Sanskrit Works; Authors of Spanish Works; Authors of Theravadin Works; Authors of Tibetan Works; Chinese Buddhist Teachers; Classical Chinese Authors; Classical Indian Authors; Classical Japanese Authors; Classical Theravadin Authors; Classical Tibetan Authors; Editors; Geshes; Illustrators; Independent Researchers; Khenpos; Kings; Librarians; Lotsawas; Ordained (Monks and Nuns); Other Authors; Other Researchers; Photographers; phyi dar; Professors; Professors Emeritus; Scribes; snga dar; Tertons; Theravada Buddhist Teachers; Tibetan Buddhist Teachers; Translators; Tsadra Fellows and Grantees; Tulkus; Western Buddhist Teachers; Zen Buddhist Teachers}}}
! Biography/Description {{#info:Add here a bio about this person. ALWAYS add a source for the bio. This can be done by adding a link at the bottom of the paragraph of the bio, with the form: '''<nowiki>([http://website.URL Source Accessed MONTH DAY, YEAR])</nowiki>'''<br> '''EXAMPLE:''' <nowiki>([ Source Accessed Jan 10, 2015])</nowiki>|info}}
! Biography/Description {{#info:Add here a bio about this person. ALWAYS add a source for the bio. This can be done by adding a link at the bottom of the paragraph of the bio, with the form: '''<nowiki>([http://website.URL Source Accessed MONTH DAY, YEAR])</nowiki>'''<br> '''EXAMPLE:''' <nowiki>([ Source Accessed Jan 10, 2015])</nowiki>|note}}
| {{{field|bio|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
| {{{field|bio|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
! Images {{#info:'''DO NOT''' use markup but just one image per line, including the "File:" prefix. You can add captions by adding '''{ { ! } } ''' at the end of the File's pagename and then your description, which can include links (double square brackets).|info}}
! Tibetan Biography/Description {{#info:Bio in Tibetan script. ALWAYS add a source for the bio or explain where this comes from in some way. This can be done by adding a link at the bottom of the paragraph of the bio, with the form: '''<nowiki>([http://website.URL Source Accessed MONTH DAY, YEAR])</nowiki>'''<br> '''EXAMPLE:''' <nowiki>([ Source Accessed Jan 10, 2015])</nowiki>|note}}
| {{{field|bioTib|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
! Images {{#info:'''DO NOT''' use markup but just one image per line, including the "File:" prefix. You can add captions by adding '''{ { ! } } ''' at the end of the File's pagename and then your description, which can include links (double square brackets).|note}}
| {{{field|images|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow|placeholder=File:ImageOne.jpg
| {{{field|images|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow|placeholder=File:ImageOne.jpg
File:ImageTwo.jpg  { { ! } }  Some description here with  [ [Some link] ] .
File:ImageTwo.jpg  { { ! } }  Some description here with  [ [Some link] ] .
! Special notes {{#info:This field is for special notes to be left if unique circumstances require them.|note}}
| {{{field|archivistnotes|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
=== <big>Deity</big> ===
{| class="smwtable-clean th-top-right th-nowrap max-1200"
! Category {{#info: Help text here! |note}}
| {{{field|DeityFormType|input type=checkboxes|values=General, Specific, Class}}}
! Type {{#info: Help text here! |note}}
| {{{field|DeityType|input type=checkboxes|values=Buddha, Bodhisattva, Yidam, Dakini, Protector, Worldly gods-spirits}}}
=== <big>Dates</big> ===
{| class="smwtable-clean th-top-right th-nowrap"
! Yeaf of birth
! Yeaf of birth
Line 90: Line 85:
| {{{field|yeardeath|input type=text}}}
| {{{field|yeardeath|input type=text}}}
! Place of birth {{#info: Add what city and country (or area, province, etc.) the person was born in, if known. If neither is known, leave blank. |info}}
! Place of birth {{#info: Add what city and country (or area, province, etc.) the person was born in, if known. If neither is known, leave blank. |note}}
| {{{field|bornin|size=50}}}
| {{{field|bornin|size=50}}}
| colspan="2" | <span style="color: darkred;">'''Deprecated fields, merge with fields above(?):'''</span>
! Notes on Dates
| {{{field|DatesNotes|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
| colspan="2" | <span style="color: darkred;">'''Deprecated/Duplicated fields, merge with fields above(?):'''</span>
{| class="th-top-right th-nowrap" style="margin-left: 3em;"
{| class="th-top-right th-nowrap" style="margin-left: 3em;"
|- style="background-color: #dbbdbc;"
|- style="background-color: #dbbdbc;"
Line 105: Line 103:
| {{{field|BornIn|input type=text}}}
| {{{field|BornIn|input type=text}}}
! Notes on Dates
| {{{field|DatesNotes|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
! Associated website(s) {{#info:If there is a clear website for this person, such as a personal or professional website dedicated to them, or a university page, add the full link here. You can also add any link to relevant materials, CV page, Faculty page, link to a current project, etc. Use "  //  " in between each link to separate. Example: <pre class="code"><nowiki>[ Curriculum Vitae]  //  [ Faculty Home Page]</nowiki></pre>|info}}
| {{{field|associatedwebsite|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
! Special notes {{#info:This field is for special notes to be left if unique circumstances require them.|info}}
| {{{field|archivistnotes|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}

== Links ==

{| class="smwtable-clean th-top-right th-nowrap max-1200"
=== <big>Links</big> ===
{| class="smwtable-clean th-top-right th-nowrap"
! Associated website(s) {{#info:If there is a clear website for this person, such as a personal or professional website dedicated to them, or a university page, add the full link here. You can also add any link to relevant materials, CV page, Faculty page, link to a current project, etc. Use "  //  " in between each link to separate. Example: <pre class="code"><nowiki>[ Curriculum Vitae]  //  [ Faculty Home Page]</nowiki></pre>|note}}
| {{{field|associatedwebsite|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
! [ Buddhist Digital Resource Center]
! [ Buddhist Digital Resource Center]
Line 130: Line 123:

== Affiliations & Relationships ==
{{{end template}}}

{| class="smwtable-clean th-top-right th-nowrap max-1200"
{{{standard input|save|label=Save and exit}}} {{#ifexist: {{PAGENAME}} | {{{standard input|save and continue|label=Save and continue}}} [{{fullurl:{{PAGENAME}}}} Exit w/o saving!] | }}
! Primary affiliation {{#info: '''WHERE this person WORKS'''. Such as University of Virginia. This line is for the main affiliation for a person. For example, Wulstan Fletcher is a Tsadra Foundation Fellow and also a member of Padmakara Translation Group. Separate each affiliation by a semi-colon";". Often this will be a university the person works at, or a sangha they work for. You may also add here the department where the person teaches on this line. For example, José Cabezón's entry for affiliation would be '''University of California, Santa Barbara''' |info}}
| {{{field|affiliation|input type=textarea|list|delimiter=;|rows=1|autogrow}}}
! Other affiliations {{#info: This line is for the various other affiliations for a person not listed in the above "Primary affiliation" line. For example, Wulstan Fletcher is a Tsadra Foundation Fellow and also director of Padmakara Translation Group. Separate each affiliation by a semi-colon";". Often this will be a sangha they are a part of or translation group or other institute. It is possible to have the Sangha be part of this line and the next. For instance Karl works for Nalandabodhi and is a part of Nalandabodhi sangha, so would be included on both lines. |info}}
| {{{field|affiliationsecondary|input type=textarea|list|delimiter=;|rows=1|autogrow}}}
! Religious affiliation {{#info: This is for the specific Buddhist school and/or group the person is affiliated with. Start general and go specific. If this is known to you, enter it here. If not, leave it blank. For instance, for David Karma Choephel, who is Thrangu Rinpoche's translator. We can write here on this line: Tibetan Buddhism; Karma Kagyu. This will work for other Schools of Buddhism as well. "Zen; Soto; San Francisco Zen Center", etc. |info}}
| {{{field|religiousaffiliation|input type=textarea|list|delimiter=;|rows=1|autogrow}}}
! Ph.D. University {{#info: This line is for the full name of the university the person received their PhD from. If they did not receive a PhD or this is not known, leave blank. If the person is almost finished with their PhD or is in the process of finishing, you may also add their university here. '''Example: Do not write UMichigan, write University of Michigan.''' |info}}
| {{{field|phduniversity|list|delimiter=;|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
! Education {{#info: Describe the person's education here starting with PhD followed by MA and BA, if such information is available. If unavailable, you can list other information here or include it in the '''bio''' line. <br />'''Example:''' Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies, [[University of Wisconsin, Madison]] (May, 1987). Dissertation: "The Development of a Buddhist Philosophy of Language and Its Culmination in Tibetan Madhyamaka Thought."<br />B.S. in Physics, 1978. California Institute of Technology. |info}}
| {{{field|education|input type=textarea|rows=1|autogrow}}}
! Teachers {{#info: If you know the person's teachers, enter them here. Use exact page names from people in this wiki if possible. Otherwise, write names as they would be used for page names on this wiki.|info}}
| {{{field|StudentOf|delimiter=;|input type=tokens|values from category=People}}}
! Students {{#info: If this person has well known teachers, authors, or translators as students, list them here. Use exact page names from people in this wiki if possible. Otherwise, write names as they would be used for page names on this wiki.|info}}
| {{{field|TeacherOf|delimiter=;|input type=tokens|values from category=People}}}
| colspan="2" | <span style="color: darkred;">'''Deprecated fields, merge with fields above(?):'''</span>
{| class="th-top-right th-nowrap" style="margin-left: 3em;"
|- style="background-color: #dbbdbc;"
! Religious Affiliation
| {{{field|ReligiousAffiliation|input type=textarea|rows=2}}}
|- style="background-color: #dbbdbc;"
! Familial Relations
| {{{field|PersonalAffiliation|input type=textarea|rows=2}}}
|- style="background-color: #dbbdbc;"
! Primary Professional Affiliation
| {{{field|ClassicalProfAff|input type=textarea|rows=2}}}
|- style="background-color: #dbbdbc;"
! Other Professional Affiliation
| {{{field|ClassicalOtherProfAff|input type=textarea|rows=2}}}
|- style="background-color: #dbbdbc;"
! Teachers {{#info: If you know the person's teachers list them here. Use exact page names from people in this wiki if possible. Otherwise, write names as they would be used for page names on this wiki. |info}}
| {{{field|studentof|delimiter=;|input type=tokens|values from category=People}}}
|- style="background-color: #dbbdbc;"
! Students {{#info: If this person has well known teachers, authors, translators, etc. as students, list them here. Use exact page names from people in this wiki if possible. Otherwise, write names as they would be used for page names on this wiki. |info}}
| {{{field|teacherof|delimiter=;|input type=tokens|values from category=People}}}

Line 196: Line 148:
| colspan="3" class="border-0" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em; text-align: center;" | Contact info
| colspan="3" class="border-0" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em; text-align: center;" | Contact info
! Email {{#info:Only ONE email address can be entered here. Other emails can be listed in the body of the person page. Enter the email we have on file for this person, or if you find a reliable source with a recent email listed that also works. '''If you have no reliable source, leave blank.'''|info}}
! Email {{#info:Only ONE email address can be entered here. Other emails can be listed in the body of the person page. Enter the email we have on file for this person, or if you find a reliable source with a recent email listed that also works. '''If you have no reliable source, leave blank.'''|note}}
| {{{field|email|delimiter=;|list|property=email|input type=text}}}
| {{{field|email|delimiter=;|list|property=email|input type=text}}}
! Phone number {{#info:Enter the phone number we have on file for this person, or if you find a reliable source with a recent phone number listed that also works. '''If you have no reliable source, leave blank.'''|info}}
! Phone number {{#info:Enter the phone number we have on file for this person, or if you find a reliable source with a recent phone number listed that also works. '''If you have no reliable source, leave blank.'''|note}}
| {{{field|phone}}}
| {{{field|phone}}}
! Address or location {{#info:Add the person's complete address, or if no address is known, add a known location, such as Paris, France. If neither is known, leave blank.|info}}
! Address or location {{#info:Add the person's complete address, or if no address is known, add a known location, such as Paris, France. If neither is known, leave blank.|note}}
| {{{field|addresslocation|input type=textarea|rows=2}}}
| {{{field|addresslocation|input type=textarea|rows=2}}}
| colspan="2" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em; text-align: center;" | Languages
| colspan="2" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em; text-align: center;" | Languages
! Primary language(s) {{#info: This field is for recording the person's mother tongue. |info}}
! Primary language(s) {{#info: This field is for recording the person's mother tongue. |note}}
| {{{field|languageprimary|property=languageprimary|delimiter=;|input type=tokens|size=50}}}
| {{{field|languageprimary|property=languageprimary|delimiter=;|input type=tokens|size=50}}}
! Translates from {{#info: This is for the main languages that the person translates from. Such as Tibetan or Sanskrit. You can put multiple languages with semicolons separating them. For instance, for Christian Wedemeyer you can put, <code>Sanskrit;Tibetan</code> |info}}
! Translates from {{#info: This is for the main languages that the person translates from. Such as Tibetan or Sanskrit. You can put multiple languages with semicolons separating them. For instance, for Christian Wedemeyer you can put, <code>Sanskrit;Tibetan</code> |note}}
| {{{field|languagetranslation|property=languagetranslation|delimiter=;|input type=tokens|size=50}}}
| {{{field|languagetranslation|property=languagetranslation|delimiter=;|input type=tokens|size=50}}}
! Translates to {{#info: This is for the various languages the author translates into. For instance, Karl Brunnholzl translates into English and German. |info}}
! Translates to {{#info: This is for the various languages the author translates into. For instance, Karl Brunnholzl translates into English and German. |note}}
| {{{field|languagetarget|property=languagetarget|delimiter=;|input type=tokens|size=50}}}
| {{{field|languagetarget|property=languagetarget|delimiter=;|input type=tokens|size=50}}}
Line 224: Line 176:
| colspan="2" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em; text-align: center;" | For Modern Person
| colspan="2" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em; text-align: center;" | For Modern Person
! Curriculum Vitae {{#info:Add here any information related to this person's CV, or a full rendition of it if you have it.|info}}
! Curriculum Vitae {{#info:Add here any information related to this person's CV, or a full rendition of it if you have it.|note}}
| {{{field|cv|input type=textarea|rows=2}}}
| {{{field|cv|input type=textarea|rows=2}}}
! Publications {{#info: Add here a full list of this person's publications. Use markup to make a well-formatted readable list. |info}}
! Publications {{#info: Add here a full list of this person's publications. Use markup to make a well-formatted readable list. |note}}
| {{{field|publications|input type=textarea|rows=2}}}
| {{{field|publications|input type=textarea|rows=2}}}
! Current projects {{#info: Describe here the projects this person is currently working on. |info}}
! Current projects {{#info: Describe here the projects this person is currently working on. |note}}
| {{{field|currentworks|input type=textarea|rows=2}}}
| {{{field|currentworks|input type=textarea|rows=2}}}
= Classical Person =
{| class="bootstable th-right"
| colspan="2" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 1em; text-align: center;" | Tibetan calendar dates
| colspan="2" | '''Date of birth'''
! Day (number)
| {{{field|TibDateDay|size=10}}}
! Month (number)
| {{{field|TibDateMonth|size=10}}}
! Year Gender
| {{{field|TibDateGender|property=TibDateGender|input type=dropdown}}}
! Year Element
| {{{field|TibDateElement|property=TibDateElement|input type=dropdown}}}
! Year Animal
| {{{field|TibDateAnimal|property=TibDateAnimal|input type=dropdown}}}
! Rab Jyung {{#info:Number of the sexagenary cycle to which this year belongs.|info}} || {{{field|TibDateRabjung|size=10}}}
| colspan="2" | Date of passing
! Day (number)
| {{{field|TibDateDeathDay|size=10}}}
! Month (number)
| {{{field|TibDateDeathMonth|size=10}}}
! Year Gender
| {{{field|TibDateDeathGender|property=TibDateDeathGender|input type=dropdown}}}
! Year Element
| {{{field|TibDateDeathElement|property=TibDateDeathElement|input type=dropdown}}}
! Year Animal
| {{{field|TibDateDeathAnimal|property=TibDateDeathAnimal|input type=dropdown}}}
! Rab Jyung {{#info:Number of the sexagenary cycle to which this year belongs.|info}}
| {{{field|TibDateDeathRabjung|size=10}}}
! Emanation of {{#info: Do NOT use markup! Use page names for people that already exist in the wiki if possible. Otherwise, write names as they would be used for page names on this wiki. |info}}
| {{{field|EmanationOf|delimiter=;|input type=tokens|values from category=People}}}
! Incarnations {{#info: Do NOT use markup! Use page names for people that already exist in the wiki if possible. Otherwise, write names as they would be used for page names on this wiki. |info}}
| {{{field|Incarnations|delimiter=;|input type=tokens|values from category=People}}}
! Other Biographical Information
| {{{field|BiographicalInfo|input type=textarea|rows=2}}}

= Buddha-Nature =
{| class="bootstable th-right"
| colspan="3" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em; text-align: center;" | Buddha Nature Project
! Person description or short Bio
| colspan="2" | {{{field|BnwShortPersonBio|input type=textarea|autogrow|rows=2}}}
! Featured Writing {{#info: '''NOTE: This field is NOT pushed to the BuNay site. You have to go to the person page on BuNay and click the add featured content link at the top to add featured writings and contents. This field here is to make sure that data is also stored here as everything about people pages is stored on this wiki.''' <br> <br> This is meant for a piece of original writing which can use rich content: links, images, etc. For example: double square brackets for internal links (<code><nowiki>[[]]</nowiki></code>), stars for bullets (<code><nowiki>*</nowiki></code>), pound signs for numbered lists (<code><nowiki>#</nowiki></code>), etc. To label an internal link differently than it's target page, use a pipe inside the double square bracket: <code><nowiki>[[PAGE NAME | LINK LABEL]]</nowiki></code>. [ Click here for more info on formatting]. '''You can also use this field to feature and highlight related content.''' |info}}
| colspan="2" | {{{field|BnwPersonEssay|input type=textarea|autogrow|rows=5}}}
| colspan="3" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em; text-align: center;" | Philosophical Positions of this Person
| colspan="3"| When using the notes fields for these, you may use markup. For example: double square brackets for internal links (<code><nowiki>[[]]</nowiki></code>), stars for bullets (<code><nowiki>*</nowiki></code>), pound signs for numbered lists (<code><nowiki>#</nowiki></code>), etc. To label an internal link differently than it's target page, use a pipe inside the double square bracket: <code><nowiki>[[PAGE NAME | LINK LABEL]]</nowiki></code>. [ Click here for more info on formatting].
! rowspan="2" | Is Buddha-nature considered <br> definitive or provisional?
| Position
| {{{field|PosBuNayDefProv|property=PosBuNayDefProv|input type=dropdown}}} &nbsp; It's complicated: {{{field|BuNayDefProvComplex|input type=checkbox}}}
| Notes
| {{{field|PosBuNayDefProvNotes|input type=textarea|autogrow|rows=2|cols=50}}}
! rowspan="3" | Do all beings have Buddha-nature?
| Position
| {{{field|PosAllBuddha|property=PosAllBuddha|input type=dropdown}}}
| If "Qualified", explain
| {{{field|PosAllBuddhaNote|input type=textarea|autogrow|rows=2|cols=50}}}
| Notes
| {{{field|PosAllBuddhaMoreNotes|input type=textarea|autogrow|rows=2|cols=50}}}
! rowspan="2" | Which Wheel Turning does <br> Buddha-Nature belong to?
| Position
| {{{field|PosWheelTurn|property=PosWheelTurn|input type=dropdown}}} &nbsp; It's complicated: {{{field|BuNayWheelTurnComplex|input type=checkbox}}}
| Notes
| {{{field|PosWheelTurnNotes|input type=textarea|autogrow|rows=2|cols=50}}}
! rowspan="2" | Is the Ratnagotravibhāga a <br> Yogācāra or Madhyamaka text?
| Position
| {{{field|PosYogaMadhya|property=PosYogaMadhya|input type=dropdown}}} &nbsp; It's complicated: {{{field|BuNayYogaMadhyaComplex|input type=checkbox}}}
| Notes
| {{{field|PosYogaMadhyaNotes|input type=textarea|autogrow|rows=2|cols=50}}}
! rowspan="2" | Zhentong vs Rangtong
| Position
| {{{field|PosZhenRang|property=PosZhenRang|input type=dropdown}}} &nbsp; It's complicated: {{{field|BuNayZhenRangComplex|input type=checkbox}}}
| Notes
| {{{field|PosZhenRangNotes|input type=textarea|autogrow|rows=2|cols=50}}}
! rowspan="2" | Promotes how many vehicles?
| Position
| {{{field|PosVehicles|property=PosVehicles|input type=dropdown|values=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}}} &nbsp; It's complicated: {{{field|BuNayVehiclesComplex|input type=checkbox}}}
| Notes
| {{{field|PosVehiclesNotes|input type=textarea|autogrow|rows=2|cols=50}}}
! rowspan="2" | Analytic vs Meditative Tradition
| Position
| {{{field|PosAnalyticMedit|property=PosAnalyticMedit|input type=dropdown}}} &nbsp; It's complicated: {{{field|BuNayAnalyticMeditComplex|input type=checkbox}}}
| Notes
| {{{field|PosAnalyticMeditNotes|input type=textarea|autogrow|rows=2|cols=50}}}
! rowspan="2" | What is Buddha-nature?
| Position
| {{{field|PosEmptyLumin|property=PosEmptyLumin|input type=dropdown}}} &nbsp; It's complicated: {{{field|BuNayEmptyLuminComplex|input type=checkbox}}}
| Notes
| {{{field|PosEmptyLuminNotes|input type=textarea|autogrow|rows=2|cols=50}}}
= Rinchen Terdzö =
{| class="bootstable th-right"
| colspan="2" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em; text-align: center;" | Terton Gyatsa
! Does this person have a bio <br> in the '''Terton Gyatsa'''?
| {{{field|IsInGyatsa|input type=checkbox}}} Yes
! Name in the Gyatsa in Tibetan
| {{{field|GyatsaNameWylie|input type=text}}}
! Name in the Gyatsa in Wylie
| {{{field|GyatsaNameTib|input type=text}}}
! Start Page #
| {{{field|GyatsaBioStartPage|input type=text|size=10}}}
! End Page #
| {{{field|GyatsaBioEndPage|input type=text|size=10}}}
! Start Folio #
| {{{field|GyatsaBioStartFolio|input type=text|size=10}}}
! End Folio #
| {{{field|GyatsaBioEndFolio|input type=text|size=10}}}
! Full Content of Bio in Tibetan
| {{{field|GyatsaBioTib|input type=textarea|autogrow|rows=2}}}
! Full Content of Bio in Wylie
| {{{field|GyatsaBioWylie|input type=textarea|autogrow|rows=2}}}
! Full Content of Bio in English
| {{{field|GyatsaBioTrans|input type=textarea|autogrow|rows=2}}}
= Damngak Dzö =
{| class="bootstable th-right"
| colspan="2" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em; text-align: center;" | Damngak Dzö
! DNZ Classification(s)
| {{{field|DnzClassification|values from property=PersonType|list|delimiter=;|input type=tokens}}}
! DNZ Notes
| {{{field|DnzNotes|input type=textarea|autogrow|rows=2}}}

= Shantideva =
= Shantideva =
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| colspan="2" | {{{field|ShantiShortPersonBio|input type=textarea|autogrow|rows=2}}}
| colspan="2" | {{{field|ShantiShortPersonBio|input type=textarea|autogrow|rows=2}}}
! Featured Writing {{#info: '''NOTE: This field is NOT pushed to the Shantideva site. You have to go to the person page on Shantideva and click the add featured content link at the top to add featured writings and contents. This field here is to make sure that data is also stored here as everything about people pages is stored on this wiki.''' <br> <br> This is meant for a piece of original writing which can use rich content: links, images, etc. For example: double square brackets for internal links (<code><nowiki>[[]]</nowiki></code>), stars for bullets (<code><nowiki>*</nowiki></code>), pound signs for numbered lists (<code><nowiki>#</nowiki></code>), etc. To label an internal link differently than it's target page, use a pipe inside the double square bracket: <code><nowiki>[[PAGE NAME | LINK LABEL]]</nowiki></code>. [ Click here for more info on formatting]. '''You can also use this field to feature and highlight related content.''' |info}}
! Featured Writing {{#info: '''NOTE: This field is NOT pushed to the Shantideva site. You have to go to the person page on Shantideva and click the add featured content link at the top to add featured writings and contents. This field here is to make sure that data is also stored here as everything about people pages is stored on this wiki.''' <br> <br> This is meant for a piece of original writing which can use rich content: links, images, etc. For example: double square brackets for internal links (<code><nowiki>[[]]</nowiki></code>), stars for bullets (<code><nowiki>*</nowiki></code>), pound signs for numbered lists (<code><nowiki>#</nowiki></code>), etc. To label an internal link differently than it's target page, use a pipe inside the double square bracket: <code><nowiki>[[PAGE NAME | LINK LABEL]]</nowiki></code>. [ Click here for more info on formatting]. '''You can also use this field to feature and highlight related content.''' |note}}
| colspan="2" | {{{field|ShantiPersonEssay|input type=textarea|autogrow|rows=5}}}
| colspan="2" | {{{field|ShantiPersonEssay|input type=textarea|autogrow|rows=5}}}
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Latest revision as of 14:05, 19 January 2024

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