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|PersonType=Classical Indian Authors
|PersonType=Classical Indian Authors
|images=File:Abhayakaragupta2 HAR.jpg{{!}} [[Abhayākaragupta Himalayan Art Resources]]
|MainNameWylie='jigs med 'byung gnas sbas pa
|AltNamesWylie=a b+ha yA ka ra gup+ta; 'jigs med 'byung; paN+Di ta a b+ha yA ka ra gup+ta
|AltNamesTib=ཨ་བྷ་ཡཱ་ཀ་ར་གུཔྟ་; འཇིགས་མེད་འབྱུང་གནས་; པཎྜི་ཏ་ཨ་བྷ་ཡཱ་ཀ་ར་གུཔྟ་
|AltNamesOther=Abhayākara; Paṇḍita Abhayākaragupta
|YearBirth=11th century
|YearDeath=circa 1125
|TeacherOf=Suvarṇadvīpa Dharmakīrti;
|BnwShortPersonBio=Indian tantric Buddhist master who was born into a brāhmaṇa family in either Orissa or northeast India near Bengal. Sources vary regarding his dates of birth and death, although most agree that he was a contemporary of the Pāla king Rāmapāla, who began his reign during the final quarter of the eleventh century. Abhayākaragupta became a Buddhist monk in response to a prophetic vision and trained extensively in the esoteric practices of tantra, while nevertheless maintaining his monastic discipline (''vinaya''). Abhayākaragupta was active at the monastic university of Vikramaśīla in Bihar and became renowned as both a scholar and a teacher. He was a prolific author, composing treatises in numerous fields of Buddhist doctrine, including monastic discipline and philosophy as well as tantric ritual practice and iconography. Many Sanskrit manuscripts of his works have been preserved in India, Nepal, and Tibet, and his writings were influential both in India and among Newari Buddhists in Nepal. Translations of his works into Tibetan were begun under his supervision, and more than two dozen are preserved in the Tibetan canon. To date, Abhayākaragupta’s writings best known in the West are his treatises on tantric iconography, the ''Vajrãvalī'' and ''Niṣpannayogāvalī'', and his syncretistic abhidharma treatise ''Munimatãlaṃkāra''. (Source: "Abhayākaragupta." In ''The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism'', 2. Princeton University Press, 2014. http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt46n41q.27.)
|PosYogaMadhyaNotes=[[Kano, K.]], [[Buddha-Nature and Emptiness]], p. 109; he cites Ruegg for this, and agrees.
|PosVehiclesNotes=[[Kano, K.]], [[Buddha-Nature and Emptiness]], p. 110.
|PosEmptyLumin=Tathāgatagarbha as the Emptiness That is a Non-implicative Negation (without enlightened qualities)
|PosEmptyLuminNotes=More specifically he asserts that buddha-nature is equivalent to the selflessness of the dharmatā. This is not exactly the same as buddha-nature = emptiness. Kano explains that this is a precursor to that position. [[Kano, K.]], [[Buddha-Nature and Emptiness]], p. 111 et passim.
|PosSvataPrasa=Svātantrika (རང་རྒྱུད་)
|PosSvataPrasaNotes=[[Kano, K.]], [[Buddha-Nature and Emptiness]], p. 109: he cites Khedrubje for this designation.
|PosVajrapada=the first three are causes of the later four
== Tibetan Names ==
'''Tibetan:''' <span class=TibetanUnicode16>[[ཨ་བྷཱ་ཡ་ཀ་ར་]]</span><br>
'''Wylie:''' <br>
*[[a b+ha yA ka ra]]
*[[paNDi ta a bhya ka ra gupta]]
*[['jigs med 'byung gnas sbas pa]]
*[[a bha ya]]
*[[sgrubs a bha ya ka ra]]
== Sanskrit Names ==
*[[Paṇḍita Abhayākaragupta]]
'''Other Transliterations in use:'''<br>
*[[a bhya ka ra]]
*[[a bha ya ka ra]]
== Dates ==
11th Century
== Other Biographical Information ==
[http://tbrc.org/link?RID=P0RK166 TBRC RID: P0RK166]
== Main Students ==
== Main Teachers ==
== Quotes ==
== Writings about {{PAGENAME}} ==
== Writings ==

Latest revision as of 10:07, 4 August 2022

Abhayākaragupta Himalayan Art Resources
PersonType Category:Classical Indian Authors
MainNamePhon Abhayākaragupta
MainNameTib འཇིགས་མེད་འབྱུང་གནས་སྦས་པ་
MainNameWylie 'jigs med 'byung gnas sbas pa
MainNameSkt Abhayākaragupta
SortName Abhayākaragupta
AltNamesTib ཨ་བྷ་ཡཱ་ཀ་ར་གུཔྟ་  ·  འཇིགས་མེད་འབྱུང་གནས་  ·  པཎྜི་ཏ་ཨ་བྷ་ཡཱ་ཀ་ར་གུཔྟ་
AltNamesWylie a b+ha yA ka ra gup+ta  ·  'jigs med 'byung  ·  paN+Di ta a b+ha yA ka ra gup+ta
AltNamesOther Abhayākara  ·  Paṇḍita Abhayākaragupta
YearBirth 11th century
YearDeath circa 1125
TeacherOf Suvarṇadvīpa Dharmakīrti
BDRC https://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=P0RK166
IsInGyatsa No
BnwShortPersonBio Indian tantric Buddhist master who was born into a brāhmaṇa family in either Orissa or northeast India near Bengal. Sources vary regarding his dates of birth and death, although most agree that he was a contemporary of the Pāla king Rāmapāla, who began his reign during the final quarter of the eleventh century. Abhayākaragupta became a Buddhist monk in response to a prophetic vision and trained extensively in the esoteric practices of tantra, while nevertheless maintaining his monastic discipline (vinaya). Abhayākaragupta was active at the monastic university of Vikramaśīla in Bihar and became renowned as both a scholar and a teacher. He was a prolific author, composing treatises in numerous fields of Buddhist doctrine, including monastic discipline and philosophy as well as tantric ritual practice and iconography. Many Sanskrit manuscripts of his works have been preserved in India, Nepal, and Tibet, and his writings were influential both in India and among Newari Buddhists in Nepal. Translations of his works into Tibetan were begun under his supervision, and more than two dozen are preserved in the Tibetan canon. To date, Abhayākaragupta’s writings best known in the West are his treatises on tantric iconography, the Vajrãvalī and Niṣpannayogāvalī, and his syncretistic abhidharma treatise Munimatãlaṃkāra. (Source: "Abhayākaragupta." In The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism, 2. Princeton University Press, 2014. http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt46n41q.27.)
PosYogaMadhya Madhyamaka
PosYogaMadhyaNotes Kano, K., Buddha-Nature and Emptiness, p. 109; he cites Ruegg for this, and agrees.
PosVehicles 1
PosVehiclesNotes Kano, K., Buddha-Nature and Emptiness, p. 110.
PosEmptyLumin Tathāgatagarbha as the Emptiness That is a Non-implicative Negation (without enlightened qualities)
PosEmptyLuminNotes More specifically he asserts that buddha-nature is equivalent to the selflessness of the dharmatā. This is not exactly the same as buddha-nature = emptiness. Kano explains that this is a precursor to that position. Kano, K., Buddha-Nature and Emptiness, p. 111 et passim.
PosSvataPrasa Svātantrika (རང་རྒྱུད་)
PosSvataPrasaNotes Kano, K., Buddha-Nature and Emptiness, p. 109: he cites Khedrubje for this designation.
PosVajrapada the first three are causes of the later four
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