Nor bzang rgya mtsho: Difference between revisions

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Nor bzang rgya mtsho
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|PersonType=Classical Tibetan Authors
|images=File:Norzang Gyamtso.jpg
|MainNamePhon=Norzang Gyatso
|MainNameWylie=nor bzang rgya mtsho
|AltNamesWylie=mkhas grub nor bzang rgya mtsho
|BornIn=Tanak Rangjung (rta nag rang byung), Tsang, western Tibet
|ReligiousAffiliation=Kadam; Geluk
|PersonalAffiliation=Father–Namkha Pelzang (nam mkha' dpal bzang); Mother–Chokyab Bumnyi (chos skyabs 'bum gnyis)
|StudentOf=Sherab Sengge; blo gros mgon po; chos 'phel rgyal mtshan; Khyenrab Wangchuk Drakpa Zangpo; Taktsang Lotsāwa Sherab Rinchen; The First Dalai Lama, Gendun Drub; The Fifth Ganden Tripa, Lodro Chokyong; grags pa 'od zer; rong bo blo bzang; blo gros sbas pa
|TeacherOf=Dalai Lama, 2nd
|tolExcerpt=Khedrup Norsang Gyatso (1423–1513), a well-known scholar and adept of the fifteenth century, was a student of the First Dalai Lama and a principal teacher of the Second Dalai Lama. Though belonging to the Geluk school of Tibetan Buddhism, Norsang Gyatso is recognized as a seminal figure in the promotion of a syncretic approach—between the Geluk and Kagyü schools—to the teachings and practices of mahamudra. Along with Phukpa Lhundrup Gyatso, Norsang Gyatso is credited also with the founding of the highly influential Phuk school of Tibetan astronomy and astrology. Because of his dedication to intensive meditative practice for more than four decades as a wandering hermit, Norsang Gyatso came to be revered by the Tibetan tradition as a great meditator and teacher, and he is included among the lineage masters of many important practice traditions, including the lineage of Kalachakra. (Source: [ Wisdom Experience])
|PersonType=Classical Tibetan Authors
== Names ==
'''Tibetan:''' <span class=TibUni20>[[ནོར་བཟང་རྒྱ་མཚོ་]]</span><br>
*[[mkhas grub nor bzang rgya mtsho]]
*[[nor bzang rgya mtsho]]
'''Other Transliterations in use:'''<br>
*[[Khedrup Norsang Gyatso]]
== Dates ==
Born: 1423<br>
Died: 1513<br>
== Affiliation ==
dga' ldan pa, dge lugs, bka' gdams pa
== Other Biographical Information ==
[ TBRC RID: P75]
== Main Students ==
[[Dalai Lama, 2nd]]
== Main Teachers ==
[[Dalai Lama, 1st]]
== Quotes ==
== Writings About {{PAGENAME}} ==
== Writings ==
== Publications ==

Latest revision as of 14:39, 5 June 2024

Norzang Gyamtso.jpg
PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
MainNamePhon Norzang Gyatso
MainNameTib ནོར་བཟང་རྒྱ་མཚོ་
MainNameWylie nor bzang rgya mtsho
AltNamesTib མཁས་གྲུབ་ནོར་བཟང་རྒྱ་མཚོ་
AltNamesWylie mkhas grub nor bzang rgya mtsho
YearBirth 1423
YearDeath 1513
BornIn Tanak Rangjung (rta nag rang byung), Tsang, western Tibet
ReligiousAffiliation Kadam; Geluk
PersonalAffiliation Father–Namkha Pelzang (nam mkha' dpal bzang); Mother–Chokyab Bumnyi (chos skyabs 'bum gnyis)
StudentOf Sherab Sengge  ·  blo gros mgon po  ·  chos 'phel rgyal mtshan  ·  Khyenrab Wangchuk Drakpa Zangpo  ·  Taktsang Lotsāwa Sherab Rinchen  ·  The First Dalai Lama, Gendun Drub  ·  The Fifth Ganden Tripa, Lodro Chokyong  ·  grags pa 'od zer  ·  rong bo blo bzang  ·  blo gros sbas pa
TeacherOf Dalai Lama, 2nd
Treasury of Lives
IsInGyatsa No
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