Barnhill, D.: Difference between revisions

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Barnhill, D.
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|bornin=Indianapolis, IN
|phduniversity=Stanford University
|education=B.A. Stanford University, 1971; Attended University of Washington, 1974-76; M.A. Ph.D. Stanford University, 1986

Revision as of 15:31, 6 October 2020

FirstName / namefirst David
LastName / namelast Barnhill
namemiddle Landis
MainNamePhon David L. Barnhill
YearBirth 1949
BornIn Indianapolis, IN
religiousaffiliation Quaker
phduniversity Stanford University
education B.A. Stanford University, 1971; Attended University of Washington, 1974-76; M.A. Ph.D. Stanford University, 1986
IsInGyatsa No
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Full Name

David Landis Barnhill



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