Kalkī Śrī Puṇḍarīka: Difference between revisions

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|MainNameWylie=pad+ma dkar po
|TitleWylie=rigs ldan
|YearBirth=176 BCE
|YearDeath=76 BCE
|BnwShortPersonBio=The mythical second king of Shambhala, who is reported to have written the ''Vimalaprabhā'', an important commentary on the ''Kālacakra Tantra''. He is considered to be an emanation of Avalokiteśvara and subsequently the Dalai Lamas are considered to be emanations of this king.
|BnwShortPersonBio=The mythical second king of Shambhala, who is reported to have written the ''Vimalaprabhā'', an important commentary on the ''Kālacakra Tantra''. He is considered to be an emanation of Avalokiteśvara and subsequently the Dalai Lamas are considered to be emanations of this king.

Revision as of 12:30, 30 December 2019

King Pundarika.jpg Kalki Pundarika.jpg Pundarika.jpg
PersonType Category:Aristocracy
MainNameTib པདྨ་དཀར་པོ་
MainNameWylie pad+ma dkar po
YearBirth 176 BCE
YearDeath 76 BCE
EmanationOf Avalokiteśvara
BDRC https://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=P4CZ15082
IsInGyatsa No
BnwShortPersonBio The mythical second king of Shambhala, who is reported to have written the Vimalaprabhā, an important commentary on the Kālacakra Tantra. He is considered to be an emanation of Avalokiteśvara and subsequently the Dalai Lamas are considered to be emanations of this king.
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