Lung rtogs bstan pa'i nyi ma: Difference between revisions

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Lung rtogs bstan pa'i nyi ma
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|MainNamePhon=Lungtok Tenpai Nyima
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Revision as of 09:48, 22 July 2019

PersonType Category:Scribes
MainNamePhon Lungtok Tenpai Nyima
MainNameTib ལུང་རྟོགས་བསྟན་པའི་ཉི་མ་
MainNameWylie lung rtogs bstan pa'i nyi ma
AltNamesTib སྨྱོ་ཤུལ་ལུང་རྟོགས་བསྟན་པའི་ཉི་མ་
AltNamesWylie smyo shul lung rtogs bstan pa'i nyi ma
YearBirth 1829
YearDeath 1901/1902
ReligiousAffiliation Nyingma
StudentOf Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo  ·  Dpal sprul 'jigs med chos kyi dbang po  ·  Mipam Gyatso
TeacherOf Mipam Gyatso  ·  Adzom Drukpa Drodul Pawo Dorje  ·  Lerab Lingpa
IsInGyatsa No
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