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Havnevik, H.
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Revision as of 12:36, 13 March 2018
Full Name
Hannah Havnevik (b. 1957 in Norway)
- Dr. Philos., University of Oslo, 1999
- Pedagogical Seminar, University of Oslo, 1988
- Mag. Art., University of Oslo (research degree), 1986
- BA, University of Oslo (Social Anthropology, History and History of Religion), 1981
- Blue Mountain Community College, USA, 1976-77
- Repeated fieldwork in the Himalayas, Tibet and Mongolia (since 1983)
- Associate Professor, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo (since 2002)
- Post Doc. Research Fellow, University of Oslo, 2000-2002
- Research fellow, and teaching assignments, University of Oslo, 1991-1999
- Consultant for refugees and immigrants A-etat, 1987-1991
Other Information
- Selected Publications:
- Women in Tibet
- Tibetan Buddhist Nuns: History, Cultural Norms and Social Reality
- Havnevik, Hanna. "Bokkult i buddhismen. Buddhistiske teksters magiske og rituelle funksjoner i Tibet, Mongolia og Himalaya." I Bjarne Rogan og Saphinaz-Amal Naguib (red.). Materiell kultur og kulturens materialitet. (forthcoming)
- Havnevik, Hanna and Agata Bareja-Starzynska. Revival of Buddhism in Mongolia after 1990. Warsaw: University of Warsaw Press (forthcoming)
- Havnevik, Hanna. "Drapchi Lhamo: The Construction of a Fortune Cult in Lhasa." Paper given at 11th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Bonn 2006. (In press).
- Havnevik, Hanna. "Buddhismen." I Ken Opprann. Tro. Oslo: Font Forlag, 2009.
- Havnevik, Hanna, Byambaa Ragchaa, and Agata Bareja-Starzynska. "Some Practices of the Buddhist Red Tradition in Contemporary Mongolia. In The Mongolia-Tibet Interface: Opening New Research Terrains in Inner Asia. Leiden: Brill 2007.
- Havnevik, Hanna and Agata Bareja-Starzynska. "A Preliminary Survey of Buddhism in Present-day Mongolia." In Ole Bruun og Li Narangoa (eds.). Mongolia: From City to Country. London: Curzon Press, 2006.
- Havnevik, Hanna and Janet Gyatso (eds.). Women in Tibet, Past and Present. London: Hurst and Company and New York: Columbia University Press, 2005.
- Havnevik, Hanna. "Ani Lochen; A Yogini and Nun from Tibet." In Lindsay Jones (ed. in chief). Encyclopedia of Religion. Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 2005.
- Havnevik, Hanna. "A Tibetan Female State Oracle." In Henk Blezer (ed.). Religion and Secular Culture in Tibet. Leiden: Brill, 2002.
- Havnevik, Hanna. "The Monastic Quest: A Biographical Example (Tibet): The Biography of a Nun." In Frank E. Reynolds and Jason A. Carbine (eds.). The Life of Buddhism. University of California Press, 2000.
- Havnevik, Hanna (1999) "The Life of Jestun Lochen Rinpoche (1865-1951) as Told in Her Autobiography." Acta Humaniora, Faculty of Arts, University of Oslo. Dissertation for the degree Dr. philos. 1999 (2 vols.)
- Havnevik, Hanna. "On Pilgrimage for Forty Years in the Himalayas. The Female Lama Jetsun Lochen Rinpoche’s (1865-1951) Quest for Sacred Sites." In Alex McKay (ed.). Pilgrimage in Tibet. Richmond: Curzon Press, 1998.
- Havnevik, Hanna Combats des nonnes tibétaines, Religieuses bouddhistes du Pays des neiges. St. Michel en l’Herm: Editions Dharma, 1995. (translated, revised and updated edition of Tibetan Buddhist Nuns: History, Cultural Norms and Social Reality. Oslo: Norwegian University Press, 1989).
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