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Full Name

Edward Winslow Bastian
Born 1944-4-29, Elizabeth City, North Carolina


B.A. History, University of Iowa, 1962-1966
Ph.D. Buddhist Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1973-1980

Brief Biography

Since Edward W. Bastian has been founding president of the Spiritual Paths Foundation that convenes a distinguished faculty to teach the transformative principles and theories of the worlds spiritual traditions, to train students that practices of meditation and contemplation, and to translate contemplate practice into positive social change and environmental sustainability.

Edward Bastian's work in Buddhism began in 1970 with a number of consultants with His Holiness the Dalai Lama who recommended that he continues his studies with Professor Geshe Lundup Sopa. And in 1980, Edward Bastian received his Ph. D in Buddhist Studies with a minor in Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He received a Fulbright Foundation Fellowship and an American Institute for Indian Studies Fellowship for the research he conducted in India while studying Indian Philosophy and Religion in Varansai and in Tibetan Buddhist monasteries. Dr. Bastian has organized, moderated and taught various courses on religion for Smithsonian Institution.

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