Rma se ston pa rin chen bzang po: Difference between revisions

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PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
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Tibetan: རྨ་སེ་སྟོན་པ་རིན་ཆེན་བཟང་པོ་


Other Transliterations in use:


Born: 1317 mi nyag
Died: 1383


Other Biographical Information


karma kaM tshang master from mi nyag reckoned as one of the mi nyag mkhas pa mi lnga born into the rma se lineage in mi nyag

1334 - First tonsure before Bsod-nams-rgyal-mtshan.
1335 - To Tibet.
Meets rang-byung-rdo-rje when he is on the way back from China and accompanies him to dbus.
1352 - Return to mi-nyag rab-sgang.
Founds ra-ti dar-rgyas-gling.
1372 - rma-se dgon khams-gsum-grags-bde-chen-gling.
1375 - Visited by Karmapa rol-pa'i-rdo-rje, who pacified many disputes in rab-sgang with rma-se acting as translator.
Looked after both gangs-dkar dgon-rnying and rma-se dgon.

Main Students

  • shAkya dpal
  • ye shes rdo rje
  • 'jam dbyangs grags pa

Main Teachers


Writings About Rma se ston pa rin chen bzang po

