Template:Information: Difference between revisions

From Tsadra Commons
((by SublimeText.Mediawiker))
((by SublimeText.Mediawiker))
(14 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
{| class="wikitable" cellpadding="5"
<div class="file-info depth-1">
<div class="file-info-header">'''<i class="far fa-file"></i> {{PAGENAME}}'''
<div class="file-info-description">
! Description
! style="text-align: right; padding-right: 7px;" | Description:
| {{ #if: {{{description|{{{Description|}}} }}} | {{{description|{{{Description|}}} }}} | Description missing }}
| {{ #if: {{{description|{{{Description|}}} }}} | {{{description|{{{Description|}}} }}} | Description missing }}
! style="text-align: right; padding-right: 7px;" | Date:
| {{{date|{{{Date|}}} }}}
! style="text-align: right; padding-right: 7px;" | Source:
| {{{source|{{{Source|}}} }}}
! style="text-align: right; padding-right: 7px;" | Author:
| {{ #if: {{{author|{{{Author|}}} }}} | {{{author|{{{Author|}}} }}} | Author missing }}
! style="text-align: right; padding-right: 7px;" | Permission:
| {{ #if: {{{permission|{{{Permission|}}} }}} | {{{permission|{{{Permission|}}} }}} | No permission specified. See license below. }}
! style="text-align: right; padding-right: 7px;" | Other versions:
| {{{other_versions|{{{Other_versions|{{{other versions|{{{Other versions|}}} }}} }}} }}}
{{{other_fields|{{{Other_fields|{{{other fields|{{{Other fields|}}} }}} }}} }}}
<table class="toccolours">
<!-- Description -->
<tr style="vertical-align: top">
<td class="description">
{{ #if: {{{description|{{{Description|}}} }}} | {{{description|{{{Description|}}} }}} | Description missing }}
<!-- Other fields 1 -->
{{{other_fields_1|{{{Other_fields_1|{{{other fields 1|{{{Other fields 1|}}} }}} }}} }}}
<!-- Date -->
<tr style="vertical-align: top">
<td id="fileinfotpl_date" class="fileinfo-paramfield" lang="{{int:lang}}">{{int:wm-license-information-date}}</td>
<td lang="{{int:lang}}">{{ISOdate|{{{date|{{{Date|}}} }}} }}</td>
<!-- Source -->
<tr style="vertical-align: top">
<td {{ #if: {{{source|{{{Source|}}} }}} | id="fileinfotpl_src" }} class="fileinfo-paramfield" lang="{{int:lang}}">{{int:wm-license-information-source}}</td>
<td>{{ #if: {{{source|{{{Source|}}} }}} | {{Parse source|{{{source|{{{Source|}}} }}} }} | {{Source missing}} }}</td>
<!-- Author -->
<tr style="vertical-align: top">
<td {{#switch: {{{author|{{{Author|}}} }}} |- |-- |= |#default= id="fileinfotpl_aut" }} class="fileinfo-paramfield" lang="{{int:lang}}">{{int:wm-license-information-author}}</td>
<td>{{ #if: {{{author|{{{Author|}}} }}} | {{Information/author processing|author={{{author|{{{Author|}}} }}}}} | {{Author missing}} }}</td>
<!-- Permission -->
{{#if:{{{permission|{{{Permission|}}} }}}{{{demo|<noinclude>1</noinclude>}}}|
<tr style="vertical-align: top">
<td id="fileinfotpl_perm" class="fileinfo-paramfield" lang="{{int:lang}}">{{int:wm-license-information-permission}}<br /><small>([[{{int:wm-license-information-permission-reusing-link}}|{{int:wm-license-information-permission-reusing-text}}]])</small></td>
{{{permission|{{{Permission|}}} }}}
<!-- Other versions -->
{{#switch: {{{other_versions|{{{Other_versions|{{{other versions|{{{Other versions|}}} }}} }}} }}}{{{demo|<noinclude>1</noinclude>}}}
|  =
| - =
| none =
| #default =
<tr style="vertical-align: top">
<td id="fileinfotpl_ver" class="fileinfo-paramfield" lang="{{int:lang}}">{{int:wm-license-information-other-versions}}</td>
{{{other_versions|{{{Other_versions|{{{other versions|{{{Other versions|}}} }}} }}} }}}
<!-- Other fields -->
{{{other_fields|{{{Other_fields|{{{other fields|{{{Other fields|}}} }}} }}} }}}
</div>{{Infobox template tag}}{{#ifexpr:{{Years since|1={{ISOyear| {{{date|{{{Date|}}} }}} }}|error=0 }}>200 | {{Works created more than 200 years ago}} }}<!--
Parameter maintenance
description= Description=
date= Date=
source= Source=
author= Author=
permission= Permission=
other_versions= Other_versions= other versions= Other versions=
other_fields= Other_fields= other fields= Other fields=
other_fields_1= Other_fields_1= other fields 1= Other fields 1=
|cat= Pages using Information template with incorrect parameter
|errNS= 6 10
|template= [[Template:Information]]

Latest revision as of 16:52, 2 March 2018

Description: Description missing
Author: Author missing
Permission: No permission specified. See license below.
Other versions: