Sitansusekhar Bagchi

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Bagchi, S.

PersonType Category:Editors
MainNamePhon Sitansusekhar Bagchi
SortName Bagchi, Sitansusekhar
bio Sitansusekhar Bagchi was a notable scholar in the field of Sanskrit and Indian studies. Bagchi was associated with the Mithila Institute of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Sanskrit, where he conducted significant research in Sanskrit literature and philosophy. He is known for his work on the Suvarṇaprabhāsasūtra, a Buddhist scripture, which he published in 1967 through the Mithila Institute. Bagchi's research also extended to Indian logic, as evidenced by his contributions to studies on inductive reasoning and its role in Indian logic, although the specific work attributed to him in this area is more commonly associated with other scholars.
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