
From Tsadra Commons

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84000  +, Tsadra Foundation  +
Texas Christian University  +, Southern Methodist University  +, Brite Divinity School  +
Sakya Lineage  +
Nitartha International  +, Nitartha Institute  +, Bodhi Seeds  +
Marpa Foundation  +, Tsadra Advisory Board Member  +
Shambhala International  +
Rangjung Yeshe Publications  +
Buddhist School of Dialectics  +, FPMT  +, IBA  +
Kôkugakuin University, Tôkyô  +
University of Sydney, Australia  +, Body, Health and Religion (BAHAR) Research Group (Director)  +, Tung Lin Kok Yuen Visiting Professor in Buddhist Studies at the University of Toronto, Scarborough, Canada.  +
Khyentse Foundation  +
University of Virginia  +
Dhaka University  +, the University of Benares  +, Calcutta University  +
Mangala Shri Bhuti  +
Florida State University, Tallahassee  +
Lotsawa House  +
Upper Dudjom Lineage  +
The Australian National University  +
C.V. Starr East Asian Library  +