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Key Term Cittamātra
Hover Popup Choices Mind-Only; Mind Only; Consciousness Only; mere mind; Mere Mentalism
In Tibetan Script སེམས་ཙམ་
Wylie Tibetan Transliteration sems tsam
Devanagari Sanskrit Script चित्तमात्र
Romanized Sanskrit cittamātra
Tibetan Phonetic Rendering sem tsam
Sanskrit Phonetic Rendering chittamatra
English Standard Mind-Only
Karl Brunnhölzl's English Term mere mind; Mere Mentalism
Richard Barron's English Term Mind Only
Term Type Noun
Source Language Sanskrit
Basic Meaning Though it is sometimes used synonymously with Yogācāra, it is in fact one of the more prominent theories associated with this school. It asserts that the objects in the external world with which we interact are actually mentally created representations appearing as those objects. Their character of these perceptions being predetermined by karmic conditioning that is stored in the ālayavijñāna.
Has the Sense of It is a philosophical position that places mentation at the forefront of our experience of the world, rather than the seemingly real objects that consciousness perceives.
Did you know? In Sanskrit sources it is more common to see this theory articulated as vijñaptimātra or consciousness only. Western scholars have associate this philosophy with a form of Idealism.
Related Terms Yogācāra;ālayavijñāna